19. Drowning

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Virgil gapsed for breath he had to quickly get back under the water before the next cannon hit again. He quickly swang down, seeing the cannon smash onto the waters surface and it falls into the water. Virgil had to dogde it and he tried to stay under the water for as long as he could. Though, he wondered if he even diserved to survive this. Afterall he has son any lives on his hnad, why does he diserve to survive this all? If he died then he can't hurt anyone else. He can't kill any more, he can't hurt any more.

No, he can't. He promised to make Janus, his father, the King, proud and to keep safe, if he let them kill him he'd be letting down Janus. By now Virgil needed to breath again so he went back to the surface.
As he got there he saw that the ship was sailing away, he was safe, he could survive this, he just need to make his way back to Tonid.

There was a huge distance between where he was and Tonid, he was going to have to swim it, but he didn't think he could. He needed some sort of support or help. Something.

He ducked down into the water as a wave came towards, he had to see what was flooting above. Most of the boat was suck under cannons of too small to support him, they seemed like twigs, Vopan's Royal ship really did a lot of damage. Virgil just know if they tried to attck again, whilest Tonids battle fleet would be enough, there might need to be some more improvments.

Virgil swam back up gasping for breath ad he reach the surface, he began swimming, hoping the larger piece of the ship recage was taken by the current. He calmed his breath and layed back, he let the current take him. He began to freak out, unsure of what was gping to happen to him, he could die here and now, this could be it, or some sea creater could go for him, or he could get hyperthermia or something. He know he had to calm himself or suriving would be even harder. The way his instincts took over his actions showed how strong his fight or flight refelexes are.

He closed his eyes, trying to trust himself, he was too scared to check his surronding. He kinda hoped that the water would take him straight to Tonid, but he know nothing works straight-forwardly for him, afterall he isn't straight.
Or maybe he'd hit some of the recaged big enough to get him to land.

He felt like he'd been flotting for ages, he could feel the waves past through him and he'd been moving. He opened his eyes, he was getting closer to Tonid, but a fair bit to his left was a door, it must have broken off from the ship.

He went under the water so he could go into a breast-stroke over to the door, it might help him get over to Tonid, in a safer and quicker way.

He finally got to is and grabbed on to it and tried to balance it so he could use it as a flootation devise and paddle to Tonid. It was a struggle but he managed to gain control and made a paceful movement forwards, keeping his eyes out for soemth else he can use to paddle to conserve his own engery as he still had a long journey ahead, just for temporary safty.

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