Chapter three

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Picture of Lady (my horse)

Chapter 3

I picked my body off the grass and saw Sam struggling to hold the brown wolf off of himself.

Justin came up beside me and took his shirt off. "You're kidding right?"

He only nodded and asked "Callie how long has that wolf been here?"

I turned away when he started pulling his jeans off. "A day I think. There was a black wolf with him but he wasn't here when I woke up."

"Callie, those wolves were werewolves." I spun around as soon as Justin shifted. He stood beside me as we watched the wolf and Sam wrestle in front of us.

"My rifles in the house, but I don't want to hurt him." The thought of hurting the brown wolf made my heart heavy.

Justin snapped his eyes to meet mine and I gave him a pleading look. He turned away and barked at Sam.

Sam attempted to throw the wolf off but couldn't get a good enough grip. Finally I spun around and marched toward the house. Jessie and Mouse watched the scene from the porch.

"Good boy, good girl." I praised as I walked passed. Picking up my rifle I unloaded it and left it empty. Stomping back outside, I whacked the wolf in the hip with the end, knowing it wouldn't hurt too much.

Sam sighed in relief. "Thanks Ca-"WHACK! I hit Sam in the shin. "Oww!! Callie! What did I do?!"

I rolled my eyes at him and focused on the wolf. "Justin go change." Remembering that there was now a new wolf present I didn't want him to underestimate Justin's authority so I added "please go change Justin."

"Sam go be a baby somewhere else and," I paused, "you, come with me. There should be clothes in one of their rooms."

I led the way to the house while the wolf followed. I pointed at two rooms and said "The alpha's room is on the right and the beta's room is on the left." The wolf sulked into the beta's, Sam's, room.

I rolled my eyes and hurriedly walked downstairs. I found Sam with his arms crossed sitting on the stairs. "I feel so stupid." I confessed as we watched Justin emerge from the woods in human form with clothes on.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"I should've known those two wolves were shifters."

"Yeah, but no harm done." He said reassuringly.

"I guess."

Justin had just made it to us when the door swung open and a gorgeous man stepped out.

I tried to appear unaffected but in my mind I was gawking at him. He was at least six feet tall and his eyes were just as green in his human form as his wolf form. The clothes were a little tight but didn't look bad.

He smirked at me but averted his attention to Justin bowing his head slightly. "Alpha Justin, I apologize for overstaying my welcome but I couldn't leave my mate."

He turned towards Sam and scowled before saying "Beta Samuel."

Sam rolled his eyes before politely saying "Beta Carter."
Jeez this man was going to be the end of me. His name was so perfect. Who am I kidding? He +is perfect.

My eyes found his again as Justin cleared his throat. "Beta Carter, who is your mate?"

The beta smirked at me before saying "Callie." Oh, I loved the way he said my name. Wait? Did he just say I was his mate?

Popping up from next to Sam I took three huge steps back until I was next to Justin. "This is really funny, but I'm going to leave now."

Carter's eyes darkened a little and he growled at me. Justin leaned down and whispered "He's your mate, I know you know it too."

I spoke back in a hushed tone, "But I'm human. Can I just go for a ride and come back later?" I practically begged, which is very unlike me.

"Fine. Beta Carter, Callie is going to leave for two or three hours. She'll be back before dark and she has a cell phone on her. We have business to discuss in the house."

Carter looked to me and seemed to be debating what to do. Finally he answered "Yes Alpha."

"So much for a sibling night." Sam muttered under his breath.

This got Carter's attention "Sibling night?" He asked almost immediately.

Justin cleared his throat before speaking, "Callie was adopted by my father's beta, Sam's dad. Callie is like my little sister, Sam will agree with me when I say that we never want to see her hurt."

Justin took a threatening step towards Carter. Carter bowed his head but couldn't help smiling.

I laughed at them and started off to the barn at a jog. I could feel Carter's eyes on my back the entire time.

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