First Day Of School

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Yasss!!! first day of school,I'm back bitches!!" I get up and take a shower. I do my hair in a messy bun and my makeup was on point! Outfit for the day? All white adidas joggers with my crop top hoodie,white j's and gold accessories. I left my room,going downstairs, I was late! "Mommmm!, I'm gonna leave now, I'm late." She was too busy watching her soap operas to care,she didn't even answer me or turn her eyes away from the screen. I got in my pink Lamborghini that my dad gave me for my sixteenth glow day,yeah,glow day. Birthdays are too mainstream. Surprisingly, there was no traffic today. Almost at school,Pacific Vista High, I saw Austin's black Ferrari at the stoplight to my left.He was blasting the music loud and was well into it. You could tell by the way he threw his head around and tried to recite the lyrics. For a second, He glimpsed my car, being bright pink, who wouldnt!? He raised his eyebrow at me, I knew it was game time. A friendly game of "who could reach first." I always lose, but this time, I was sure I'd come first,even if I would have to depend on my good ole friend, "sabotage" The light turned green. The rev of the engine fueld my adrenaline. Off we went!!!! I was behind him, doing a steady 120 on the speedometer. I tried to speed up, but he went faster. I thought, maybe, just maybe, If I went up to, at least, 180, I'd win. I did. Aha!! I was ahead. I threw my head back in celebration, for a second, to celebrate my achievement. As soon as I lifted my head up, there was a little girl in the road picking up a ball. I immediately swerved out of the road and into a random yard. Austin kept driving. He was too caught up in winning to see I almost crashed. Everything started to go in slow motion. I started driving quickly out of the yard before the people who lived there came out. At last I was at school. I'm so mad that Austin just left me there. When I see him, he's gonna get a piece of my mind.

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