Dead or Temporary Sleeping?

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Austin POV

I can't believe that she stormed out of the cafeteria like that. She didnt even let me finish what I was going to say.

I was GOING to say "No, but your my girlfriend and Stacey doesn't matter"

I swear, Skye gotta chill sometimes.

You know what's weird? I'm nothing like her. I'm calm and she feisty.

And what's even weirder is I'm in love with her crazy ass.

Amma do something real special for her when she decide to drive back to school and leave her attitude on the road.

Amma call her to see if she still mad.

*calls* *no answer*

That's weird. She always answers my calls. Even if she's mad, she'll answer then hang up without saying anything.

She'll calm down eventually.

"Austin Perez to the principal's office"

I wonder what Mr Morris wants now? I wonder if he knows I'm the one who TP'd the teacher's lounge?

A mixture of panic and regret flooded my system. The principal's office even seems closer.

*Enters office*

"I didn't do it sir, I bet Harold did it," "Ask him"

"Have a seat Mr Perez"

"O-o-ok sir" I answered nervously and took my seat.

The vibe in the room was off. Mrs Morris, Skye's mom, who is always busy(as Skye complains) was there. Her face was covered in tears and even more tears were about to come rushing down her face any minute. A police officer stood beside Mrs Morris, with his hat in his hand. Mr. Morris didn't look like a bucket of glitter and rainbow either.

" OH MY GOD!!IS SKYE OKAY!? WHERE IS SHE!? SHE LEFT!? I LET..I let.." I choked back the tears just long enough to hear the truth, about everything.

Mr Morris began, " Skye, Skye met in an accident" "She's gone..she's baby girl is gone"

He broke down in tears. So did Mrs Morris as she went to console her husband.

For a second, everything was still,quiet. I could see the police officers mouth moving but no sound.

Next thing I know is, I'm waking up at the hospital and a nurse is overhead adjusting my drip.

"What happened?" "Where am I?" "Where's Skye!?"

"Calm down Mr Perez," the nurse uttered "You suffered a mild heart attack."

I looked and saw my mom,through the slight opening of the door, in the waiting room. Maybe she can shed some light on this.


"Hunny!" She gave me one of those warm motherly hugs.

"Where's Skye" I asked,still unsure,still in denial.

"She's dead Austin" "she crashed"

Believe me. I haven't cried this hard in a while. My soulmate,gone. My life no longer has no meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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