Bubbles -- AmeriPan --

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America x Japan

Large groups of people weren't really Kiku's thing. People chatting amongst themselves, getting acquainted with potential allies, or perhaps discussing what was happening around in their countries that weren't classified; all whilst their bosses were keeping an eye on them as well as interacting with other leaders. It all felt very suffocating to Kiku, although he wouldn't outwardly admit it. He didn't want to retreat in because of this reason, as he personally found it very stupid, but he couldn't deny he hated to be in crowded areas with so many people.

The event in itself wasn't even that interesting. It was more of a catch up with the countries and to get more information on what's happening, somewhat like a world meeting; however, it was stated as a formal occasion instead, for some strange reason. Probably because their bosses were required to come along as well to discuss something. His boss had left him to talk with another man a while ago, unfortunately, so he was left alone.

It was fine at first until more nations had reached with more bosses and slowly it became a crowd and he had lost sight of his boss. He stood near the wall, awkwardly fidgeting with his fingers. If he could find any of his friends, he would've been glad, but they were all lost within the crowd or came up to him to say hello only to be dragged away. Speaking of his friends, he quickly spotted Ludwig, otherwise known as Germany, making his way away from Austria to him.

Kiku put up a small smile, seeing his friend approach him. "こんにちは, Germany,"(*) he greeted simply in Japanese. It wasn't required to, as most everyone spoke in English during meetings; aside from Francis, where Arthur had to translate (simply because France always teased on how he had bothered to learn french but not vice versa). "How's your evening been? It's good to see you."

Ludwig returned the smile and nodded. "Hallo Japan. Good to see you too. Gilbert and I have been well, although he has been more careless as of recent," he replied, grunting at the end when referring to his brother. Although the two were very good friends, both of them tended to talk to each other more formally in public events like this, usually until Feliciano would show up. "Have you seen Italy yet? I've seen multiple nations but him," he asked, searching the crowd for his loud friend.

The two stood next to each other searching the crowd for their missing friend; both a bit upset they couldn't find North Italy. Before the duo could walk around and catch up, Hungary came over to get Germany. The two talked for a bit, Hungary also greeted Kiku, before having to take away Ludwig to talk to her leader and Canada for some work. It left Kiku all alone and awkward again, much to his displeasure.

Half an hour had passed by now, with no sign of his friend returning nor Feliciano showing up. Kiku looked down, a bit disappointed. He had managed to hold very small conversations between Greece, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and England before they needed to leave.

A bit defeated, he sat down at a nearby chair, quietly sipping a cup of water to hydrate himself. He watched everyone continuing to converse, much louder than before, from the corner of the room. He could pick out a few familiar heads but all of them seemed busy. Eventually, he made his way to the corner of the room which didn't hold that many people aside from Russia, a sleeping Greece, and Sealand and Wy, who were being looked after by Seborga. They weren't too loud, surprisingly.

As he continued sulking about by himself, he spotted a specific nation who seemed to arrive late, which wasn't a surprise. America was happily interacting with everyone open, whether they seemed to welcome his company or not. He seemed to be searching for someone, and quickly found the nation and headed off, away from Kiku's secluded corner.

He found that a bit disheartening, but didn't bother to chase after the American, and instead he pulled out his phone. Kiku's boss would be upset if he pulled out the device during events like these, but his boss wasn't there to scold him there.

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