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In an abrupt motion, Q grabbed Sal's hand.
"Do you trust me?" In those few words, Sal's heart leaped into his throat. He suddenly felt grateful that it was beginning to get dark. His entire body felt hot; he cursed himself for agreeing to come.
"Why do you ask?" Sal asked tentatively, letting go of Q's hand against his own will and disguising his nerves that were secretly on fire.
"I know a place," Q started, "and you gotta trust me on this. There's a thing a couple miles west. But I want you to see it for yourself, so I don't want to tell you until we get there."
"If you blindfold me, Quinn, I swear to God," Sal put his hands up, half-joking. Q laughed and shook his head. "I'll just make you keep your head down when we get close."
"I'm not sure I trust you yet.." Sal tilted his head, looking back at the hotel.
"Well it's too bad you don't have a choice anymore," Q said lovingly, grabbing Sal's wrist as the two treaded into the night.

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