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A/n This Chapter is going to be in lily's Pov.

~Lily's Pov~

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~Lily's Pov~

I've been trying to get Y/n's attention all day but she's always busy. I heard her speaking to Kiyoko about going to the gym later. I really want to hang out with Y/n more. She isn't dating Akaashi yet so I can't be called a homewrecker.

I follow Y/n and Kiyoko to the gym.

"Hey, Y/n!" I yell waving at her.

"Hey Kiyoko" She smiles which makes me blush. "Wanna hang out with us?"

"Wait really?!"

"Yeah, of course, cmon"

"Thanks," I say as I run towards her.

"You know how to play volleyball right?"

"I don't," I say looking down awkwardly

"That's no problem I'll just teach you"


"Y/n is going to be teaching me how to play volleyball," I think while fangirling in my mind.

We walk into the gym to see some of the boys there. None of them were Akaashi so I was pretty happy about that.

"Okay let's go set the net" Y/n exclaims as she grabs my arm and pulls me onto the court.


"So I'm gonna teach you how to serve" She turns to look at me


We walk to the edge of the court and she tells me where to stand. She goes behind me and puts me in the appropriate position. I start blushing madly because of the position we're in. She lets go and moves to the side to demonstrate how to do a basic serve.

"You got that right?"


"Okay!" She walks back to me and stands behind me again. She places the ball in my hand and holds my arm. She started maneuvering my arms showing me how to do it. She then does this 3 more times making sure I understand.

"Okay! Now you try!"

"Okay" I throw the ball in the air and raise myself slightly and hit the ball hard and high enough to pass the net.

"Yess! You did it, I'm such a great teacher" Y/n says smirking to herself.

I build up the courage and hug her.

"Woah. What's the hug for?"

"I- Uh- wanted to say thank you for teaching me" I say looking down

"No problemo!" She says hugging me back. "Anyways. I gotta get to class. See you later" She waves as she walks away.
I stare at her as she walks away waving at everyone that she passes by. Just stating at her makes my heart ache. She's one of my only friends.  Everyone else thinks I'm annoying because of the way I talk but it's not like I can help it.

I'm planning on asking Y/n out next week Monday. I would do it now but I'm extremely nervous. I hate rejection even though it's quite obvious what the outcome would be, but you never know.

I'm openly gay but many people don't know. I decided not to tell people because I was bullied in my last school. The people were so homophobic it was terrible. I got food thrown at me. Slurs and insults were written on my desk and lockers. I got notes telling me to swan dive out the window. Not gonna lie I found those kinda funny because I wasn't suicidal it just hurt. I self harmed in places that couldn't be seen so people would worry. That was all in the past and I'm better now.

Even is Y/n rejects me I hope we can still be friends.

A/n  so sorry it took time for this new chapter

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A/n  so sorry it took time for this new chapter. I was unmotivated and school is starting soon so I have alot on my plate. Sorry the chapter was short.
Please comment what other things you'd like to see in the next chapters. <3


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