Tangled • Louis

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tangled crossover :3

requested by @0hnice0ner0n17

this doesn't exactly follow the story line so just fyi.


Y/n leans over the side of the boat, her long y/h/c hair in a braid down her back, multi-colored flowers woven through it.

Louis watches her with a small smile, his eyes looking over her features adoringly as he rows the pair out onto the fjord, the lanterns illuminating the night sky.

Y/n watches in wonder, her face showing a priceless emotion of awe as the magical "floating lights" surround them.

As the girl watches the the sky, Louis can't help but stare at her, butterflies swarming his stomach as he does, the wind blowing softly at her shorter hairs that frame her face, giving her an angelic look.

She looked ethereal.

She reaches over the water to save a lantern from falling in, lifting it up and above her head, watching it soar. Y/n turns back to Louis to catch him staring at her, and he looks away quickly.

A light blush paints both of their cheeks as the noises of the night surrounds them. The hum of the crickets, the flow of the water, the nighttime creatures awakening, yet there is also a serene silence between the two, peaceful yet they can both feel it.

"Thank you." Y/n mumbles, "for doing this."

Louis sends her a smile, his heart beating fast at her soft features, unable to tear his eyes away from Y/n. He gets torn away from his thoughts and shakes his head quickly. "Yeah. Of course. As long as I get those jewels."

Y/n frowns at his words, her whole aura seems to dim as she turns back around. "Yeah. The jewels."

He mentally curses himself, trying to find a way to recover.

"It's ok. A deal's a deal after all." She tells him. Louis bites his lips in thought, not noticing Y/n turned to face him again. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asks gently.

"I would have done this anyway. N-not just for some stupid jewels." He blurts.

Y/n's eyes widen as she looks at him, a chill running down Louis' spine under her gaze, a pensive yet caring stare.

"I just- I just like spending time with you and, um, I would've done this anyways." He says, fiddling with his fingers.

"You wouldn't even know me if it weren't for those 'stupid jewels.'" Y/n points out.

"Well, that means they were good for something." He says with a chuckle. "I'm very glad they led me to you." He admits.

He gets up from his seat and sits on the one across from Y/n. He looks into her eyes, watching as they sparkle with all the lanterns reflecting in her y/e/c irises.

Y/n looks back at him with as much curiosity as him, their breaths caught in their throats as Louis reaches up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. His hand lingers on her cheek before he traces her jaw, a light, fluttering touch leaving her breathless.

"I spent so long, all those years, chasing down a daydream, living in a blur." He whispers. "And all that time, never truly seeing things the way they were. So really, I should be thanking you. Because you've opened my eyes. It's like, the world has somehow shifted." He speaks to her, searching her face for any sign of a reaction. "And now, all at once, everything is different. Now that I see. I see the world." He takes a deep breath before he says, "Now that I see you."

Y/n smiles brightly and leans into his touch, Louis taking her other hand. He presses his lips to her knuckles.

"Now that I see you." She repeats to him, his heart fluttering at her words.

He looks down at their hands and back to her eyes, leaning closer. Louis hesitates, his lips ghosting hers. "May I—"

She cuts him off by placing her lips gently onto his, Louis' eyes fluttering closed, his hand still resting on her cheek. It's a small, innocent kiss, no more than a light touch.

Y/n pulls away slowly, both of their hearts racing. Louis pulls her back, his lips moving quickly against hers now. He pulls her closer, Y/n's hands draping around his neck, tugging at the small hairs on the back of his neck.

He kisses her with a furry passion and his hands snakes around her waist, their bodies pressed against one another.

But the pair seem to have forgotten something.

They are on a boat.

As Louis moves to go closer, the boat wobbles, and tips, separating the pair as they yelp, falling into the cold water. 

Y/n and Louis surface the water safely. They looks to each other before a laugh escapes Y/n. Like her laugh is contagious, Louis starts laughing as well, and Y/n starts to splash him, water getting everywhere in their water fight.

Y/n and Louis are nothing but a fit of giggles as Louis has to surrender, the girl overpowering him significantly in their war.

He swims over to her and pecks her lips again, as she helps him set the boat right.

As they climb in, Y/n looks up again to see the lanterns high up, their light still reaching the water.

She smiles as she turns back to Louis to find him already watching her with a huge smile.

i thought this one was cute 🥺


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