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I took the hoodie from his hands and started walking up to my closet.

•Peter-"Where are you going?•
•Payton-"To change into some shorts on and put your hoodie on."•
•Peter-"Oh right."•
•Payton-"You head down I'll be there soon."•

We both walked our ways, Peter went to the table to start eating, I went to my room. I spent 5 minutes trying to find some shorts to match.

•Peter-"Payton, are you ready it's been almost 10 minutes!"•
•Payton-"Hold on I'm looking for some shorts and a scrunchie! Don't eat all the waffles I made 2 each since there small!"•
•Peter-"I haven't ate any don't worry!"•

Finally I settled on a pats of white shorts with black trimming and a white scrunchie to put my hair in a messy bun.

This is the hoodie:

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Peter sitting patiently waiting for me, he was staring at the waffles as if they where his crush

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As I walked into the kitchen I saw Peter sitting patiently waiting for me, he was staring at the waffles as if they where his crush.

•Payton-"Go on then get one!"•
•Payton-"You were looking at them as if you had a crush on them or something."•
•Peter-"Oh hush, you would too if-"•

He looked up at me and his eyes grew wide.

•Peter-"You look good in an oversized hoodie- I mean my hoodie- I mean uhh you look nice!"•
•Payton-"Yeah yeah thanks Parker."•

We both giggled and started eating, adding on our toppings to the waffles. Peter was shoving them down his throat but wasn't messy.

•Peter-"These are really good!"•
•Payton-"Thanks, I was thinking we could watch a movie once we're done eating."•
•Peter-"Sure, have any in mind?"•
•Payton-"Yeah I have one."•
•Payton-"Cant say!"•

I was going to put mean girls on, a girly move because I wanted to see if he would allow it. We finished our food and emu into the living room and sat on the couch, turning on the tv and putting Netflix on. I put mean girls on and of course when Peter saw the title of the movie he had something to say.

•Peter-"Really? A girls movie?"•
•Payton-"Yes, enjoy!"•
•Peter-"Oh shut up."•

I looked at him dead in the eyes.

•Payton-"Make me."•
•Peter-"I will."•

I got on top sitting on his lap, he acted as if he was going to hug me but started tickling me, of course making me fall off his lap laughing. He got in between my legs and started tickling me more, causing me to laugh harder. I was laughing that hard I couldn't breathe causing me to jake a noir as if I was moaning, which I wasn't!

•Payton-"Peter! I can't breathe! Aaahhh~"•
fucking take it!"•

He was giggling also, I actually couldn't breathe.

•Payton-"Fuck! Peter! I can't-"•

Just then my dad and the others walked through the door into the living room, I can't imagine what they must have seen since that position looked like we were fucking, me making a moaning noise from not being able to breathe, Peter and I giggling like mad.

•Tony-"Oh no not on my couch!"•

My dad walked over looking at us causing Peter to stop tickling me and look at my dad meaning I started panting for air.

•Peter-"Mr Stark! It's not what it looks like! I was just tickling her!"•
•Natasha-"Prove it!"•
•Payton-"Look dad?, I have shorts on! I have clothes on! We were just having a tickle fight!"•
•Tony-"Both of you to your rooms! Now!"•

We both stood up and ran to our room, I knew my dad would come up and shout at me for flirting. I looked at the time on my phone, 10pm! I got into because and started watching YouTube, about 20 minutes went by and I heard Natasha, Steve, Thor, Loki and my dad going to pack as they where leaving earlier than 4am, but there was footsteps coming to my room. My dad, I forgot. The door swung open and my dad looked furious. He shut the door.

•Tony-"Payton May Stark! Why the hell would you flirt with him!"•
•Payton-"Dad I'm sorry! Yes I like him and I flirted with him! I can't help how I feel!"•
•Tony-"Don't ever, and I mean ever! Flirt with a boy! With anyone!"•

I started tearing up as when he shouted it was loud.

•Tony-"Cry all you want! Me and the others are leaving, don't you fucking dare! Flirt with Peter!"•

He left slamming the door behind him. As soon as he was down the stars I screamed into my pillow so he wouldn't hear. It was so scary being shouted at. I heard the front door shut and lock meaning they where gone. I punched my wall and got up. Tears streaming down my face I ran to Peters room. I opened his door gasping for air as I was crying that much. The look on his face was alarming.

•Peter-"Hey, hey whats wrong?"•

He put his arms out and singled for me to go to him. I shut the door and went and sat on his lap nestling my head into him.

•Peter-"It's ok, what happened?"•
•Payton-"My dad, he was...and then"•
•Peter-"I heard him shouting, I also heard you scream."•

He began laying down on his bed, me still cuddling him. We lay there for hours awake, him telling me everything was ok and holding me close. I felt so safe in his arms.

•~Fallen For You (Peter Parker x Reader)~•Where stories live. Discover now