'Like Father, Like Son'

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Y/N and Romana were living peacefully and pleasantly on Gallifrey but their lives were interrupted when an old friend of  Y/N's Father returned to Gallifrey and was starting to take over Gallifrey with brute force as well as having an object known as 'The Death Particle'. The both of  them knew that they could not stop The Master at this moment in time as he had too much power, So They went with their best option if they wished to survive. Which was to take a page from The Doctor's Book, Steal a Tardis and Run away.

(In the cloisters){Y/N P.O.V}

I'm in the cloisters with my 'mother' Romana as we are running from Gallifrey as she knew it was our only option, so mum and I got aboard the TARDIS, We entered and we took off wandering where to go in all off time and space, then I pressed the wrong button and the ship started to go berserk, So I told my mother to go check the engines in a little room and focused the shield to that room so she would not be brought to any harm and we entered a atmosphere of a planet and started to burn through it, I looked back to Romana and I said "I love you, take care..." as I finished that sentence, the door opened, I got sucked out of the door, I heard her scream "nnnnnnnnoooooooooo" as the tardis took off to prevent any further damage to the console unit, and as I came abrupt halt as I had realised that just hit the ground and I started to black out...

272 words-

Peace out, Readers.

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