2. New beginnings

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Riley's POV
" well we were thinking that um, we should throw a huge Halloween party while mum and dad are away for the week?" Olivia  says to her brother.
You could see she was excited about the idea, her eyes big and shiny like puppy dog eyes.  But under that excitement was a pit of nerves, hoping her brother would agree with her and not rat her out to her parents.

Zach thinks for a second before answering

" yeh I'm down ... on 1 condition"

" okay what's your condition?"  Casey replied quickly wondering to herself on what Zach could possibly want out of the agreement
" I  get to invite whoever I want and you can't say no"  he spurted out, radiating confidence and he stood there with his arms crossed and head up.
She looked at Casey before looking back at us and agreeing.

" fine deal, pleasure doing business with ya. Alright Casey let's go back to mine for a swim" she said, her soft pink lips moving so slowly as if inviting me in. She was a beautiful girl, she always had been but I choose my friendship with Zach over anything so it will never happen.

Zach turned to me right after
" I know they are gonna go back for a swim but do you still wanna crack on at mine ? Or yours ?"

"Your place is better my parents are back from the coast and they are just gonna want to sit down and talk to us all night"

"Alright my place it is" he said swiftly, turning around to start the very short walk back to his house. I followed along beside him as Olivia and Casey continued to sit and talk at the table for a few moments before getting their stuff and starting to walk to Olivias' house.

Olivias POV.

The walk to my house was short, crossing the street to my house was all that was left, the hum of a car engine echoed in my ear and I turned my head to see who it was, all I catch is a glimpse of a white Ute and a beer bottle being thrown out the window. The Ute felt oddly familiar but I couldn't really tell.  I look back at Casey and give her that whole " what an idiot" type of look. My brother and Riley were already inside so we walked in and locked the screen door behind us. The Australian sun belated down all the time but today in particular was so hot it felt like walking on an oven shelf. Sweat dripped down from our foreheads and we knew it was time to go swimming. Casey and I walked upstairs to get into our cozzies and put on sunscreen. My room is just across the hall from my brothers and we could hear there outburst of giggles and cheeky laughs coming from his bedroom. What on earth they are doing in there I can't imagine but I certainly do not want to find out.

" hey isn't this jacks ?" She says pulling out and old jumper from the corner of the room.

" oh shit yeh I have to give that back to him, I'll take it later after we swim."

" alright let's get in the water because it is too fucking hot"

We walked down stairs with our towels and I grabbed my orange speaker before heading out into my backyard, connecting my phone and playing some of our favourite music softly whilst we swam. I dipped my toe in the pool to feel the water and basically just walked right in. Casey following quickly behind me.

The water felt almost too good, splashing down on us and relieving us of the hot sun. We stayed in there for at least a half hour before my brother and Riley came out to join us. Turning off our speaker and turning on their own to make us very aware of their presence.

" HEY!" Casey and I yelled at them " we were listening to that, turn it back on" I said to them sternly.

" nope sorry Olivia not gonna happen" Riley says to me with a smirk.

" and why not?" Casey replied

" because we are older than you and the oldest has control of the music everyone knows that" Riley said and Zach agreed right after

" yeh exactly oldest controls the music"

" that is quite literally the dumbest rule I've ever heard. And your only like two years older then me." I exclaimed trying to plead my case to them both.

and Riley butts in again soon after
" ah yes but we are still in fact older" they look at each other and laugh and instead turn on some kind crap music that Casey and I just cannot stand.  We continued swimming for a bit, partly because it was too hot and partly because Riley was out there. Shirtless with water droplets falling off of him and running down his hot muscles. His fluffy brown hair was now  pushed back out of face. It was a sight for sore eyes that's for sure.

Casey clicks her fingers at me to get my attention.

" stop staring!" She whispers to me seriously

" oh shit my bad" we both laugh it off before I ask her if she wants to go inside and make some fruit smoothies. The boys over hear and rudely assume we are gonna make them one too by adding their ordered to our list of fruit. Casey and I laugh and shrug it off.

We get out of the pool and wrap our towels around our waists, chucking on some slides and head out the door.

" we'll be back in five!" I yell out before closing the door behind me. Casey and I walk down the road for maybe a minute or two towards the little fruit shop that's around the corner.

Casey orders all the fresh fruit we need while I look on the shelves for any other snacks we may want.

" Cas I'm just gonna walk round back and grab a bag of ice"

" oh yeh good idea" she replied. I open up the shops back door to the ice machine and I see 2 things. The ice machine with all the bags of ice and jack. He was drunk and clearly out of sorts trying to pick up a bag from the machine and failing miserably. As the creaky back door closes his head shoots up at me. His eyes were red and you could smell the liquor on him from where I was standing. I look behind him and see the Ute that came tearing down my street earlier and it all makes sense.

" oh its you" he shakes his head in disapproval before looking back down and pulling out a bag of ice. Happy with his success he grabs the bag with his other hand and Rudely walks away before heading to get back in his truck.

" Jack wait!" I call out to him, walking up to his car window  and he winds it down for me to speak.

" what do you what Olivia"

" don't drive jack, please" he was very clearly over the legal limit and if he was to drive right now he would not only be risking his life but anyone else on the road. We may not really be speaking right now but I'm not gonna let him endanger himself or anyone else for that matter.

" and what do you care ? Huh? You left me remember, now fuck off and leave me alone."

He stumbles of his words and tries to wind up the window but I put my hand on it to stop him winding. 

I look at him again
" please jack" I say softly, looking directly into his red eyes.

" your house is just down the road, I'll lock the car and you can come get your Keys at my house tomorrow... okay ?" I speak softly as to not aggravate him.

He looks at me for a moment before pulling the keys out of the ignition and chucking them on the floor beside me.

" fine you want it so bad, take it then. I don't need you anyway" he mutters before exiting his car and walking away.

I lock the car and pocket his keys, before heading back over to the ice machine to pick out a bag and back into the store.

" what took you so long ?" Casey asks, standing at the front holding all the fruit.

"Nothing important, just couldn't pull the bag out that's all" I reply, deciding not to bother telling her about jack until later.

We walk back to the house quickly together to avoid the ice melting and call the boys inside to come make their drinks.


Hey guys x new part coming very soon, today or tomorrow.

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