𝟔. 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞

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My eyes fluttered open,I studied the pretty dark room around me, moving slowly away from Nate's grasp and feeling around for my phone on his end table. I got ahold of my phone and picked it up, pressing the home button and instantly being blinded by the light, I looked away and rubbed my eyes and looked back "fuck.." I mumbled out, reading the time. 5:13 am. I put the phone down before the light woke up Nate and laid back down.

I inched closer to Nate and straddled him, laying down on his chest and getting comfy. I instantly heard him quietly moan and felt his hands move up to my back, rubbing it slowly and dazing back in to his sleep. I looked out his window in to the darkish sky, sighing quietly, and trying to go back to bed. It was really sore around my throat, making it hard to swallow without a small pain.

I slowly felt myself drift off in to sleep again, catching myself every minute or so but I eventually gave up and allowed myself to fall back asleep.


I awoke to the sound of a shower running, I rubbed my hand over my face and stretched out, assuming Nate was in the shower because I didn't feel him next to me. I sat up and looked around, scanning the floor for one of his shirts or something to wear, I then spotted a shirt of his and hopped off the bed to grab it. I picked up the shirt and slid it on, finding my underwear and slipping those on as well. I heard a notification from a phone, which at first I thought was mine till I picked it up, reading the text and it was from Maddy. "I don't know, you can come by at like 4." I quickly sat the phone down where I grabbed it and sighed, I picked my dress up and spotted my bra, I grabbed my things and put them on, taking his shirt off and folding it up, setting it upon his bed.

The water shut off and there was a few moments before I seen Nate walk out with a towel wrapped around him, I'd bask in that if I wasn't upset. "Oh hey, goodmorning, wanna go get something to eat after I get dressed?" He walked over to his night stand and picked his phone up, reading the message from Maddy and setting it back down. "No, i'm pretty sure you have someone to meet at four anyways" I said in off tone, grabbing my phone and earrings trying not to cry, I started walking to his door, almost making it out before he grabbed me by my wrist.

"Why the fuck did you go through my phone?" he pulled me towards him agressivly and looked down, staring me in the eye with a glare. "First of all, I didn't, I just read the message, I didn't even open it" I did my best not sound pissed and tried pulling my arm away but his grip was too tight "second, I'm glad I did, now I know not to waste my time, again." He fucking scoffed and looked away, biting his lip and giving me one of those 'fuck you're annoying' looks "It's not really what you're thinking you know? I wanted my shit back and she wouldn't give to me" I tried pulling away again, still his grip was too tight. "You're welcome to come with me if you don't believe me, besides, Maddy is seeing someone else"

I watched as he loosened his grip and walked to his closet "Or do you not want to come?" I stared as he pulled out a shirt and a pair of sweatpants, openly changing on front of me, what the fuck is he trying to do with me? I don't like these fucking games. He finished putting his boxers and t-shirt on and looked at me with a smirk "You know it's rude to stare?" I didn't realize I was still staring at him, I gazed up and looked at him, nodding my head and looking at the ground "Y-yeah sorry" I said in a apologetic tone, yet I wasn't sorry, he slipped his sweatpants on and walked over to me, slipping the straps of my dress off, unzipping the back and pulling it off of me. What the absolute fuck is happening.

"I like seeing you in my shirt, put it back on" Nate spoke to me in a demanding tone and picked the folded t-shirt off his bed and unfolded it, walking over to me and smiled "arms up." I paused for a second before reluctantly listening and sticking my arms in the air and I watched him put the shirt on me, gently pulling on the ends and smiling. "Come here" he said softly, walking to his bed and laying down, patting the spot next to him. I looked at him for a few seconds before giving in and walking over to the other side of the bed, climbing into his embrace and letting out a sigh of relief.

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