Zero X Human!Reader drabble

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The room felt distinctly cold.

You stirred in your sleep, splayed out across the bed on your stomach like a starfish. You cracked open one eye. The digital clock on your nightstand read 4:55 a.m. . The sun hadn't even come up yet.

You looked over at your husband. His form lay motionless and stiff against the bed; his body unnaturally straight save for his arms folded against his chest and his long golden hair splayed out beneath him. You could be forgiven for thinking that he was just a doll had it not been for the soft glow of a set of lights on his neck as they flashed in slow pattern, indicating that his body was charging against the specially made reploid and human bed. You sighed softly. Had it not been for the daily lunches he made you, you would have thought that you were living alone. You sank even further into the mattress. He had been very busy  thanks to all the missions he had been assigned to as of late. More often than not, he would come home when you were already asleep, and leave before you woke up. You knew that he was doing important work, but you missed him dearly. You looked back at your husband's form as it lay in sleep mode.

Maybe he doesn't actually love me, you thought sadly to yourself

You shivered. You looked down at the floor, where your blankets lay in a heap. You leaned over to retrieve them off of the ground. Suddenly, Zero's alarm clock rang out from the other side of the bed. You froze in place and shut your eyes. You listened to the incessant soft beeping of the alarm clock for a moment before the bed creaked and the beeping stopped.

The bed shifted beneath you, letting out a groan of protest before suddenly returning to its original position. Zero let out a sigh, before messing with something on his wrist, the display's blue light shining through your eyelids. He fiddled with it a moment longer before shutting it off. He stood up off the bed, his metallic footsteps soft against the carpet. You heard the familiar creak of the closet door, followed by heavy dragging and the distinct click of armor falling into place.

Something featherlike tickled your ankle as a gust of cold air whooshed past you, making you shiver.

All noise in the room suddenly died down.

Metallic footsteps edged closer to you. You felt a pair of cool metal hands roll you on your side, carefully tucking your arms across your chest. The sound of something being fluffed greeted your ears, followed by the same pair of hands lifting your head up and sliding your freshly fluffed pillow beneath your neck. The shuffling of fabric echoed throughout the room before your comforter gracefully landed on top of you. Shortly thereafter, you felt the hands tuck the blanket all around you, encircling you in warmth. Zero let out a contented sigh, and for a moment, all was quiet.

You felt the foot of the bed dip, the springs in the mattress creaking in protest of the added weight. A heavy weight settled on top of you, so close that you could feel a synthetic heartbeat through the comforters. A pair of cool hands drew you into a tight embrace, enabling you to hear the thrum of your husband's circuits.

You stayed like that for an impossibly long time, tucked into Zero's embrace. You were beginning to wonder how much longer this would go on for, when Zero began to speak, in a voice that was scarcely a whisper.

"I love you, (y/n), don't ever forget that, ok?"

He held you for a moment longer, savoring what little time he had with you, before finally setting you back down on the bed and tucking you in once more. You felt his cool lips press a kiss against your forehead.

"I'll make you something special for lunch today, ok?"

The mattress lifted back up to its normal position. A moment later, you heard the door open.

"I'll be back by dinner tonight."

The door silently slid shut. You heard faint footsteps fade into the distance. Shortly thereafter, you could hear the clanging of pots and pans.

You snuggled down into the blankets and let out a happy sigh

The room felt distinctly warm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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