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so sorry this chapters late 

Yuki's pov
It was so good to have Mafuyu in his arms. Mafuyu started sobbing in the rain..in his arms. I started to soothe him and hum his favorite lullaby quietly. Suddenly the poor frail boy was asleep in his arms, luckily he put a tracker in Mafuyu's dog which almost always stayed at home. He never used cause he forgot about.. and didn't want to use it... mostly he forgot about.

two hours later

i saw Mafuyu groaning and i sat up and rubbed his back. We both had tears in our eyes and heavy bags. I just watched him get up and make a cup of tea for himself, we sat in comfortable silence until Mafuyu spoke up. "Yuki, i cant forgive you" he paused for a second  i lowered my head he said slowly  "but" when i lifted my head up in disbelief, "i can't hate you" he said tearfully. I pulled him in a big hug and i said softly "we'll get through this together, i promise"

I decided to stay the night since it was still pouring outside. And Mafuyu got a call he went out of the room and came back a few minutes later, i raised my eyebrow and he sighed in esperation, "so im a back up vocal..?" he said hesitantly. My eyes widen and started trying to process new information in my brain, "wai- huh" is all i could muster. "yea... and they need me for a gig next week" he explained, "they also proposed i could do a solo" I wrapped my arms around him "baby thats great!" I congratulated him. "hey" he said slowly " i know we still havent worked this out yet so wanna write and sing a song" he looked at me with those fucking adorable eyes how could i say no, i smiled at the thought, "yea that would be nice"

OMG I FINALLYYYY DID ITTTT i finally finsihed this chapter, looking at yuki x mafuyu fanfic makes me fucking cry

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