Stand By You

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"He is late! Hyung is never late for rehearsals. What is taking him so long?" Yoongi said for almost the hundredth time. He was pacing in their songs rehearsal room while the others were sitting in their usual seats. All except Seokjin, He was not here and to say Yoongi was getting worried was an understatement. 

"Calm down Hyung! Jin Hyung is only 15 mins late. He must have gotten stuck somewhere. Don't worry!" Namjoon gave him a comforting smile as he tried to coax him back into his chair while Jungkook chimed in "Yeah, maybe he went for a late lunch and lost track of time. You know how he gets around food."           

"But Yoongi Hyung is right. Seokjin Hyung never gets late for rehearsals. Does anyone know what was on his schedule before this?" Hobi nervously chewed on his lower lip as he looked around questioningly. Suddenly the tense atmosphere filled with six notifications. That could only mean one thing, they have received a message in their group chat. Taehyung pulled his phone out, "It's a voice message from Jin Hyung." This was odd for sure. Jin was not the kind to send voice messages. If he was feeling too lazy to type he will call one of them, blabber out whatever he wants to say and just hang up without giving them a chance to respond. Voice messages were just not his style. 

Taehyung looked nervous as he maxed out his phone's volume and pressed play. Jimin stood up preparing himself to listen to some fun excuse from his favourite Hyung. He was sure that he will hear Jin's endearing laughter from the other side but what came out was something he would have never expected. It was a scream, loud and clear, "HELP!! Guys I am in practice room..Joonah, Yoongi, Jungkoo---" and then his voice stopped almost abruptly like someone made him shut up. They could still hear his muffled whimpering, some squelching and a lot of scuffling in the background. Jimin can hear the faint jingle of Jin's bracelet, the one with little moon and stars, that Kookie has gifted him on his last birthday and he has not taken it off since. Then the message ended. It was just 10 sec long but it felt like the most horrifying 10 sec of Jimin's life.

Hoseok's hands were shaking as he looked around. All of them looked stunned into still silence but then like someone pressed play on them as everyone sprang out of their chairs at once. Joon ran out the door, Jungkook and Yoongi following him. Hoseok also ran behind them. He could hear three pairs of legs following.

Joon was skipping stairs as he ran to their practice room as fast as he could. He can still hear his Hyung's scream calling for him ringing in his ears. He heard his manager's shout coming from behind him as he pushed past him in the corridor. There was no time to explain, Jin Hyung was in danger and is banking on him to help him and he will be damned if he failed to help him. He skidded to a halt as he reached the practice room. It was locked from inside. Yoongi started banging his fists on the door screaming for Jin to open it. Joon knew it was useless as the room was completely soundproof from inside as well as outside. Jin cannot hear them and they will not be able to hear Jin even if he screa--No! he is not going to think about it. He needs to get the door opened. 

Jimin looked around as he watched his brothers unravelling. Yoongi was hysterically banging on the door. Hoseok was scream-asking the manager to get the master key to open the door from outside. The manager was still not sure what was all the urgency about and was asking too many questions for Jimin's liking. Joon looked deep in thought as he stared a hole into the door. Tears were forming in Jungkook's huge eyes while Tae's little mumbles of "Please be ok, Please be ok" were clearly audible despite all the noises. Suddenly, Joon turned around and looked straight at Jungkook, "Help me break the door down". The manager tried to protest as both Kookie and Tae got ready beside Joon to break the door. Jimin heard Yoongi practically screech at the manager to make himself useful and call the security. None of them turned to check whether the manager left or not, their eyes focused on the leader and the two youngest trying to break the door to reach their oldest. Nothing else was important. Jin Hyung needs them. 

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