The Request

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Kirumi was often found serving her classmates, since that's what her duty is. The good thing about this was that she could easily locate everybody's dorm, since she has to barge in there at times. Kaede's was no difference, so Kirumi headed straight to the pianist's  room.

Knock knock knock. Kirumi knocked the door where Kaede called home, leading to the room's owner opening it. "Kirumi?" said a puzzled Kaede. "Hey there! Fancy seeing you around."

Kirumi knew why Kaede thought this as "a fancy time". Maids were known for serving people, not being served. 

"Hello, Kaede," Kirumi greeted. "This may seem awkward, but I have a request."

The pianist seem surprised. "A request?" She recalled. "Sure? What do ya need?" It was almost like the fact that Kaede was helping a maid didn't faze her.....not like it would.

"Well..." Kirumi stammered. Nobody had ever seen Kirumi acting bashful. She was more calm and collected.

"How is your experience on keeping secrets?" Kirumi asked Kaede.

"Wait...." guessed Kaede. "Do you want me to keep one? Well, then, of course!"

"That is not necessarily the case," informed the maid. "I would  like you to keep this secret, but there's something more.....major I'd like help with."

"What's the secret?" Kaede wondered.

Kirumi took in a big breath. "I'm sure you know about Korekiyo, right?"

Kaede nodded gleefully. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"Well," Kirumi stated, looking away in shyness. "I find him....attractive."

The Maid Who Was Served-a Kirumi Tojo X Korekiyo Shinguuji fanficWhere stories live. Discover now