United by the fall.

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It was that typical new kid introduction. A blond boy with a very muscled body strode up to a similar build boy with brown hair. 

"Hi, I'm Leo can I join you? I don't have any friends yet." The smile on the boy's face was not fake yet it did not look genuine either it was the 'being-nice-smile'. Elliot, the brown-haired boy, glanced up and slightly looked behind him just to confirm that this Leo guy was talking to him and not someone different. No one sat behind Elliot or anywhere near where they were getting acquainted, to be franc Elliot was the only person near the shaded bench. 

Elliot being polite to an unknown kid with unknown origin gave the same smile and replied. " Yes you may good sir but I do warn you, I am not social"

Leo laughed and stood next to Elliot, he scooched over and accidentally misplaced his hand causing him to grab Leo. Elliot fell off the bench and Leo burst out in a fit of laughter. In this act of falling off the bench, Elliot ripped off two of Leo's shirt buttons and had sand with a dash of mud on the back of his newly washed, white shirt. At first, Elliot lay on the ground baffled but after seeing Leo practically rolling around in the dirt with him he joined in this unique reunion's laughter.

*ding ding ding* 

Leo held out his hand towards Elliot and yanked him up from the dirt. "Hahaha, so would you, haha, please help me to Miss Roman's class. I am directionally challenged." Elliot dusted himself off and tried to retain his laughter after noticing the missing buttons on Leo's shirt. "What an interesting event we are in the same class so all you need to do is follow me to the class." 

When they entered the class everyone stared at the two boys with disheveled and dirty clothes. Rian, one of the chatterboxes, whispered with his 'inside voice'. " Do you think they fought, or maybe they are..." The whole atmosphere Rian was cultivating disappeared with a Pffft! Leo burst out laughing and Elliot followed suit. They laughed for a while and only noticed the teacher's slight glare after Rian placed a finger over his mouth that was plastered with a grin. 

Miss Roman gestured with a bony finger for both of the boys to step forward - miss Roman was a sort of legend in the school she was mostly described as a witch or a child eating goblin especially with her unique way of asking the children to step into her office. "Little boys, would you like to explain to the class why your like, this?" She rose one eyebrow that made her glasses slide down her nose. 

After both of them gave a brief explanation of why they were disheveled the teacher nodded slightly and told Elliot to go sit down. "Leo, would you be a spice and tell everyone a little about yourself?" 

Leo stared at Miss Roman then back at Elliot, he was waving his hand in an attempt to comfort him or seem as support of sorts? " Well, I am Leo Verteniur, I'm 17 years old and I'm a gymnast. I have competed in all sorts of competitions and also made it to the world championships." Elliot had a baffled look on his face and replied with: "Wow your the Verteniur? Like the one that is an all-around-gold-medalist for 3 consecutive years straight. Haha I'm sort of a fan" 

Leo blushed and scratched the back of his head. Rian jumped up from his seat and practically yelled "Hell yeah now we have two celebrities in our class! Elliot Thomas; Long jump, high jump gold medalist at nationals for 5 years and Leo Verteniur all-round-gold-medalist at a world championship for 3 years straight!"

Miss Roman laughed and gave Leo the seat next to Elliot with a grin. "Well," Miss Roman began," in my youth, I was a national 1st player as well but that was 20 years ago and my bones would crumble if I ever tried to do my contortion tricks ever again." The entire class felt goosebumps of the thought of miss Roman being an achieved contortionist, it did not sit right with them.

After that day they hung out together and even invited each other to their competitions and years after that Elliot and Leo became more than just best friends they became family. Leo married Alice and Elliot married Judith- Alice's best friend. Both their children grew up together like a family. 

Miss Roman on the other hand had another label added to her office door. ACHIEVED CONTORTIONIST. 

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