Chapter 6

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Beel holds the front door open for me, as I step outside. I take in the fresh air and breeze around. I take a deep breath, smelling different rearranges of flowers. "So were are we going Brandi?" Beel asked, walking towards my side.

I looked up at him, worry cloaking over me. I can't tell Beel what's going on? What if he tells Lucifer? Sensing my worry, Beel asked "Is everything okay Brandi?" He layed his hand on my shoulder. I look down at the floor, contemplating what to do.

Feeling as if having no choice. I decide to Beel everything.

"Beel. I need tell you exactly the truth. But please. You can never. I mean ever! Tell Lucifer." I pleaded at him.

Beel looked down at me confused. "What are you talking about?"

I grab Beel's hand, to take him somewhere more private.


I drag Beel into a nearby alley. The brick walls closing in on us. With the smell of trash filling my nostrils. I have to stop myself from gagging at the smell.

"Brandi what is going on? Why did you drag me here?" Beel asked confused.

I look up at him. "I meeting with someone. At the square." I start out. "I met him last night. And, you know who he is."

Beel looked even more confused. "Who?"

"Your brother. Mammon."

Beel's face had turned pale. His eyes widen, with what looked like confusion and shock.

" can't be." Beel's voice dropped. His eyes wandering down to the concrete ground.

"I'm serious. I met him last night. I didn't know who he was. But, Asmo came. He told me everything. About your sister, the banishment. He even told me about how I got here. I saw Mammon in my garden last night too. That's where we decided we would meet in the town square."

I admitted. I looked at Beel scared of his response. " can't." Beel grabbed my shoulders. "If Lucifer finds out! He'll....he'll."

I put my hands over Beel's, "That's why you can't tell him. Help me hide this from him." I begged. I can't stop these feelings inside me. Whether this be love at first sight, or just purely lust I feel. I want nothing more then to see Mammon again.

Beel looked down at me. I can tell by his face that he was conflicted. He took a deep breath, "Okay. I won't tell Lucifer."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll help you. But. I'm doing this for my twin."

I grew confused. "Twin?" I ask.

"Yes." Beel let go of my shoulders. "Belphie is my twin brother."

It seems like whoever's this Belphie is, he seems important to Beel. I guess they were really close growing up.

I then remembered that I was supposed to meet Mammon at ten. I run out of the alley, Beel behind me. I look at the clock tower to check the time. It says, 9:55.

"Crap! We have to get going! I was suppose to meet Mammon there at 10!" I start jogging to the town square.

"Brandi wait!"

An Obey Me Romeo and Juliet love storyWhere stories live. Discover now