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It's already been two days since they move to Knoxville Nashville Tennessee on forty four Avenue drive house thirty three
The neighbors already make them welcome soon as they saw them moving in they came to introduce themselves welcoming them to the neighbourhood helping them to move in,
It was a family of five a elderly woman in her midst seventy a couple fifty three fifty five two girls Catherine Moore believe one to be a round her sister kady Moore at the age of thirty three and the other not more than three years younger than she herself at twenty six she was the last of the two girls both their parents parent, she thought them to be rather sweet but she instantly became grandma's dearest she seems to be the angel of the family and in Catherine's eyes she was the sweetest, from the stylish way she wore her grey hair down on her shoulders after loosing them from a big set of rolling pins her tan skin glow beautifully and her smile could light a railway, she spoke with a soft tone and she made a killer mac and cheese casserole and a to die for pecan pie they both were Catherine's favourite food to eat and the pot they take over was almost at the end the way she dig into it, it seems she has good hands in the kitchen for the ice tea she serve up just now taste really refreshing,
They were sitting in the neighbor's living room having ice tea and a conversation,
The sounds of foot steps approaching make Catherine lift her head to see a tall guy walking in from her judging you could say he is about five feet nine inches tall, he came in and first noticed the girl sitting on the sofa facing the entrance their eyes met and he felt a sharp chemistry she was looking pretty he wondered from where she comes thinking in the line of one of his sister's friends he didn't see the others just yet for he got caught up in her,
"Baby" leah said as she got up to greet her son
"Mom" he said from a hoarse tone as his eyes glue to her, his eyes then circled the living room,
Brayden clark wasn't use to visiting his family and found so many people, he clear his throat and spoke again
"Oh ma I am sorry I didn't realise you got company" he said
"These are our neighbours" Leah said make Brayden's head raised in this believe that this gorgeous mama was going to be living next door, the Moores they just move in two days ago mr Clinton and Mrs Alison Moore"
"Hey" he said shaking hands with them,
"And their girls that's Catherine" leah point to Catherine sitting by her loneself on one of the single sofa, Catherine look up at the guy who was instantly giving her goose pumps the minute he came through the door the scent of the room change as his sweet manly escent fill the room what ever he was wearing smells extra great on him she look up and his sparkling blue eyes sweeps over her then back to leah who kept speaking
"that's kady and her small family her husband Nicolas their children jermima and Jenny"
"Hi" he said greeting Nicolas and kady makes Catherine lift her head he said hi to the children and on his face displayed a rather charming smile,
"This is my son Brayden"
Catherine haven't heard that name on a real person before but couldn't quite remember where she became familiar with it,it was either in a book or in a movie, probably on those Darr mann movies she love to watch so much, she roll her eyes glance up on him once more,
"Grams" Brayden said leaned in to hug the older woman who giggle and pinched both his cheek,
"Pull up a chair won't you baby and let grandma gets you some cool ice tea" she said making attempts to get up,
"It's ok grams I can help myself you don't need to get up, I can't really stay for long either" he said
"But why you only just got here and you haven't in few days" she complained with a smile as she kept rubbing his face,
He smile "Alright grams only for a few minutes" he said
Violet smile he move forward to greet his dad with a quick embrace as Catherine eyes followed him to both his sisters sitting side by side he went beyond her and she had to turn her body to see him he was helping himself to a drink from a bottle put on the counter in one side of the living room something like a bar counter,
Catherine unnoticely watch him she wasn't sure if it was just wanted to see him as handsome but from where he was standing how he was the most handsome guy she hath ever seen, he was standing with his head bent as he pour from that bottle into that glass his legs a slight bandy to it she thought he looks sexy, real sexy,  male sexy,
Brayden lift his head and turn just as he did he caught eyes with her, Catherine turn but she couldn't be attentive to anything else but him sitting six feet behind her and it was giving her a strain of neck to keep looking around on him,
He try not to focus on her though she kept her eyes mostly on him,
"So the moore family flew here from Toronto mr and mrs Moore are retired now just like your father and I are" leah said
Catherine head turn to look at him to hear what he has to say
"Oh that's nice" was his only reply
Make Catherine roll her eyes again
Brayden finished his drink rest the glass down, he walk back to the front of the room Catherine twisted again so she could be looking at him
He look at his watch, "I should be heading off again" he said
"You never stay for long" violet complain again
"I know grams but I have to be putting in some time at work"
"I know baby" she pinch his cheek smiling as he came down and kiss her cheek,
"I'll call later love you" he said kissing her more,
It seems he was grandma's pet to the way she's been pampering him ever since he got here,
"Mom, dad, sis, sis catch you later" he said he smile at Alison, Clinton, kady, nicolas and the children "welcome to Knoxville I hope you enjoy your stay" he reach over to shake hand kady, Nicolas, alison and Clinton he wave to the children with a cute smile as he displays bright white teeth he hug his grandmother once more he was almost out the living room when Catherine lift her head to see him looking at her cold eyes then turn away and left,
"That's my baby" violet said with a smile
Catherine wonder why she kept babying him wondering if he wasn't about forty, it wasn't that he look so old but he was grown.
"Who even  baby such a grown man as him" Catherine frown as she complains
"Are you talking about Brayden?" Kady ask "if you are I think it's actually cute, his grandmother loves him, he's actually cute, cute and sexy"
"For give me if I didn't notice any of that" Catharine hissed she noticed alright how could she not, he was standing right there's displaying everything he has on the market
"I figured you don't like him right" kady said
"What with you and not liking guys?" Nicolas asked
"Who is it she doesn't like this time?" Alison ask
"The neighbors son" kady told,
"Grand mama's boy" Catharine said
"I think he's a pleasant guy you should give people a chance get to know them before disliking them" Alison warned
"Don't think I care to know him"
"You seriously got a problem with guys" Alison said making kady smirk
"Speaking of have you told Darren about the trip and that you land in the town some where near him?" Kady said
"I haven't spoken to him yet" Catharine frown
"I thought by now you would be decked  up with plans to meet him some place"
Catharine cringe she has actually came here to Nashville in pursuit to gave her boyfriend Darren Hall a surprise Catharine and Darren has been a thing for a while now, they were used to living together in Toronto until the life insurance company in which he works as a senior executive got upgraded and expanded their service and he had to move to nashville to manage the company, he has been back and forth for three years out of six they has been dating and had promised to marry her soon he mentioned proposing on his next trip back and it's been several months he hadn't visited Toronto but finally her parents retired and bought a dream house on line only to find it was in Knoxville Nashville Tennessee a border from Greenville where he works and live she knew the train would take her to his address then she would have to take the town bus to get to his apartment that's what her GPS told her anyway for Darren haven't given her adress now that she's here she really wants to surprise him,
"I was trying to set up the big surprise find him with out calling" she grin
"In a town you don't know?" Kady asked
"I have to get to know it for soon as I get the chance I'm going out to look a job"
"Speaking of jobs our interview is next week" Nicolas told,
"Next week honey?" Kady move to his side a surprise look lighted her face "but we just got here and when do we get back to school"
It was the middle of june and school wouldn't be starting until middle August but Mr Hecklistan the principal at Brentwood academy said other people are scheduled for the interview as well as they are looking for their best candidate,
Kady pray they got through for it will be a great honor to work at Brentwood she heard the name so many times and see how well people talked about the place the principal brag about it over the phone to both herself and her husband when they had learn the destinations of their retired parents Nicolas and kady took the privilege to apply for the job opening on line he got some good recommendations and highly compensated words about him from his old school the principal sounds impressed but he wasn't sure if he will get it for he always knew this no matter how good you be someone out there is more highly recommended more than you he had a little confidence that maybe things will go to his favor and he too kept praying it does,
The children already got their place in ensworth kindergarten school they are to go there finall week in July that's when registration begins Alison and Clinton were both considering to open up a online therapy session working from home, Catherine was too excited to get to Nashville Tennessee she didn't think on that on going on line to seek about anything than reaching here, she was excited to come close to her boyfriend, excited to be in Tennessee where country music  lives but was hoping now she can get around and look a job getting employment in one of Tennessee's biggest decor companies,
"Good luck on that to both of you" Alison said
"Yes son good luck to both of you" Clinton said kissing kady's cheek as he rests a supporting hand on his son in law,
"They don't need luck Nicolas is definitely the guy for the job he'll get it" Catharine said
Nicolas smile nodded to her he didn't need to asked questions about how much his sister in law believes in him and sometimes it was more than he believes in himself,
"I guess we are getting settled" kady said
"Might as well and that too with our neighbors help" Catharine said looking out the window of their kitchen seeing the side of their house which was some how  bigger than theirs by five bedrooms which was a four bedroom her in a room her sister in another the children together and her parents in one, it has wider space the living room got more space she wondered if it was built or they bought it like her parents did,
"They seems like a really nice family" kady said
"I'm in for grandma" Catharine said
Which her sister was able to tell
"Oh she cooks my favorite dishes finger licking" she said as she make her way in to the refrigerator for the final serving of the mac and cheese casserole sitting at the counter while her mom and sister prepare dinner Nicolas took off to call some coligue and Clinton went to read,
A image of her flashes before Brayden's eyes as he leans over the sink her dark and lovely looking hair in the wind and her smile he didn't miss that when he had walked in his parents home earlier today it was as though she was place right there to caught his eyes like a classic antique in a antique store he wondered why he was thinking about her now when he didn't say hello on meeting her earlier today, he probably felt shy for he thought her to be cute for she was just sitting there looking pretty
Of all the years brayden can remember he can't remember once when he wasn't polite to others except for today he was almost dumb, he wasn't really going to completely blame himself for she didn't really said hello,
He sigh try best to push his thoughts away but try as he might that couldn't happen he close his eyes for sleep and she was in his dreams he didn't know her for more than a few hours though he doesn't know her he just saw her yesterday just for a short time by his parents they didn't spoke word to each other so why he couldn't get her out his head, he took the steps up to the gym with his glass of hard whiskey and a cup of black coffee the way he likes his morning coffee he use his foot to close the door behind him took to lifting weights as he hope not to think on this girl again,
Catharine rub her face as she enters the kitchen she clears her throat to make her presence be known, they all turn her way, both children ran to her she puts a arm around them both smiling at them,
"I see you're up got plans for today?" Kady ask
"None what's so ever" Catharine said as she dragged her feet to her puts a arm around her and kiss her, kady blushed as she did,
She greets her mom, dad and Nicolas in the same way as she move around to grab coco tea,
"What's happening today?" She asked
"Nothing special" kady said
"We don't have to go to the neighbors again do we?" She questioned looking around on everyone,
"We don't they haven't invited us but I'm thinking of going shopping we are almost out of food and it's Thursday we always bring in the groceries on a Thursday" alison said
"Shopping sounds good" Jenny said
"Alright already some one is excited to go shopping" Clinton said lifting her to his shoulder
"I don't have a problem going shopping as long as it's not by the neighbor's" Catharine frown
Nicolas and kady smile Alison shook her head,
Brayden had gone fishing early this morning as always after his exercise and had wrapped it up before midday right about when they were leaving for the grocery store, as he came from his car he couldn't help but to noticed his grandmother talking with the neighbor one in particular his eyes glance at her but not for long Catharine turn but miss them as he went up to greet violet "grams" he said bending to kiss her,
"Baby" she said accepting his cuddle as she did too in return,
"Mr and mrs moore" he said as Alison and Clinton came on the porch followed by the two children, kady and nicholas, "hey" they all said he smile and adress kady, Nicolas and the children just before going inside,
Catharine was starting to think he was under looking her looking down at her it was the same way he didn't adress her yesterday though she didn't see her reason for it being a bother even though she was thinking on him a little last night not sure if it was because she was a lone,
Rachel came out the kitchen to find Brayden looking out the window to the front porch as his grandmother was still talking with Catharine as she waited for her sister to back out the drive way
"What you doing?" She asked Brayden turn to look at her shook his head and walk to the kitchen,
"Is that fish in the bag?" She asked
He turn and nod,
"Well you leak fish over here" she pointed it out,
"Oh shit" he grumbled on seeing the blood stain from the fish under the window "I'll get it" he said Rachel came on the porch right before Catharine move away greeting her Catharine smile as she returned her greeting bid them goodbye then got in her sister's car as they drove out behind their parents,
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Kady asked as she came to sit next to her sister handing her some of her favorite mockolate almond flavors
Catharine grin at her as she took it and bite into it,
"You weren't sleeping?" She asked in a whisper
"No I just tuck my husband in, we have a quick one he can't sleep with out it" kady said
Catharine giggled
"What?" Kady asked
"It's the way you say it"
Kady bounced her and smile, "so when you planning on going off to meet with your soon to be husband?"
"Darren" Catharine said his name clicked her tongue "I plan to go tomorrow and who said he'll be my husband soon he hasn't yet proposed"
"He promised he's going to"
"He did but"
"But what?"
"Not until he does he's not my soon to be husband he's just my boyfriend"
Kady laugh "you're really stubborn when it come to guys" she shook her head got up rest her hand on her shoulder "wish you luck I hope you be safe on your way out tomorrow"
"I'll be ok" Catharine said as she got up to hug her sister squeezing her tightly until was push away they both giggle as kady left for her room,
Catharine sat back down with a sigh thinking about going out to surprise her boyfriend for he didn't know she was living in a town near him she paint a image of his reaction on seeing her,
"Baby you" he would say his laughter would echo around as he lift her off the ground held her to his body he would be over excited to see her and they would make love straight away then lay and talk she would stay the night in his arms and he would fix her breakfast in the morning she smile at the thoughts making her body quiver but then that image of Darren was replaced with the image of someone else he was the one in her imagination the guy from the neighbor's make her grasp jumped to her feet breathing hard "what!" She said wondering where did that came from why he was all up in her head it wasn't even like she like him or anything for he seems rather full of himself she hissed at herself hissed at him for walking cross her mind that so often and plaguing her thoughts, she went off to her room hoping for a quick fall a sleep but she lay down and he was back on her mind that she even dreamt of him this time around, she woke up earlier than used to and went to the porch for they live in a four bed room flat with a front and back porch her room was to the front of the living room on the hand of the car port if she open up her bedroom window she would be staring pointless at the car both her parents own together as they didn't want separate cars her sister's and that of her husband park directly in the drive way it was quit a big drive way so she park to one side her parents could go by if they were backing out the drive way it was quit a charming place lovely green grass around with fences that way nothing uninvited could come in two gates that large one to the front with a small one into it and a small gate to the back, she came out, thought she came checking
on the neighbor's yard she avoid looking directly over there so she was unable to see that anyone was standing in the yard among the rose bushes
Kika came out to took her morning air as she always does she noticed her brother in the yard surprise he was here this early
"Hey there" she greets him, making him turn frightenedly her eyes widen he smirk and wave at her, the sound of talking gets Catharine bouncing back to her feet she straightened up to look over at her neighbors, "hey you" she said thinking she had address her, "kika right?" She asked
"That's right" kika said with a smile
"Oh yeah how are you?"
"I'm ok"
"I was just stretching I stretched in the morning" Catharine said as she glances sideways for she thought she saw movements near the rose bushes it was then she saw him, wondering for how long he's been standing there she can't believe she didn't notice when she came to the porch someone was there she started to imagine him checking her butt out when she bend over, he look her way then went by his sister who turn wide eyes to look at him as he went inside the house, she roll her eyes not only was he very early this morning he was spying over at the neighbor's only she wasn't going to asked him if that was really the reason for him there right where he was,
"I do that too each morning I stretched"
Catharine smile and nod at kika "any way I have to go out i shouldn't be late"
"Getting to know the place?" Kika asks
From the entrance of the living room
Brayden listen to their conversation
"Actually it's job seekng"
"Oh you want to go out to find a job?, well wish you luck"
"Thanks, see you later" they both wave and Catharine turn on her heels
"Hey" kika said stopping Catharine who turn to face her,
"There's a club in town we hang out there sometimes I'm wondering if by chance you'll want to go one of the night"
"Yeah I would I'll let you know"
"Good then"
They smile once more and Catharine went inside
Just as kika push the door to walk in Brayden move further in the living room
"Honey you're here?" Leah questioned make kika wonder how she was just seeing him to the time he came by her on the porch
"Hey ma" he said hugging his mother smiling in pursuit to ignore her questions and his sister's eyes he greet his dad as they both warmly smile at each other
"grams" he said hugging violet kissing smackinly on her cheeks as she came from the kitchen with some dazzling brown pancakes, "is that breakfast?" He ask
"Yes dear come to the kitchen I'll fix you a plate"
"Oh yeah" he said hugging his grandmother both going off to the kitchen,
"Is that Brayden I hear?" Rachel ask soon as she came out from her room,
"Yes" both her parents and her sister answered
"He's early what happens?"
"We don't know" kika shook her head
Leah wondered too why he was this early normally he came in the afternoon but he was this early this morning anyway she thought with a shrug taking a sheet of the morning paper from her husband and began to read through it.

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