Le 20 Facts of laila_al_hilal

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I was nominated by the amaizing chicaz @TheSilverist , @MayaRose196 and @apostropheA. 

Alhamdulillah i am getting a chance to write Le 20 Facts of laila_al_hilal.

here they are . . . . . 

#1. I AM A MUSLIMAH ALHAMDULILLAH! Proud to be one and i respect all Religions.

#2. I LOVE MYSELF AND EVERYONE ALHAMDULILLAH!! I love myself not to be conceited or anything but i do love myself just the way i am and who i am , and i love everyone else just the way they are because i believe that Allah [S,W] is the creator of all and he is the perfect of all the one who never does any wrong tjhat is why i love myself and everyone because Allah [S.W] created us all.

#3. I LOVE NATURE! I believe that everything was created and that everything needs to be appreciated so i appreciate nature and love it a lot Alhamdulillah! i enjoy the night most i usually think, write, study, work, read, and lots of things .oh  . .  . and sleep too but that will be the next fact.

#4. I LOVE SLEEPING! Sleeping is my cure i can sleep anytime , anywhere i just love to sleep i can sleep for 12 hours if i am not woken up by my mom lol!

#5. I LOVE EATING!! I eat anything anywhere as long as i know it is safe loll 

#6. I LOVE READING AND WRITING! I read a LOT and try to write things. 

#7. I LOVE TRAVELING! I have traveled to a few countries like The Emirates and Muscat. I hope totravel to many countries in shaa Allah.

#8. ANIMALS! or pets well lets say i usually scream when they are near me . so you get what i mean.

#9. I LOVE HELPING! I love to help with everything and anything i do not mind as long as i can help someone either talking or giving a helping hand or just making them smile it warms my heart to know that i could make someone smile.

#10. I LOVE  MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS!! I love them and love them to infinity thats it and in shaa Allah we will all meet in Jannah with the Muslim Ummah too.

#11. I HATE BACKBITERS AND GOSSIPERS!! I despise those acts and find them annoying. 

#12. WHO I WANT TO BE! Well i was so into medical field that no one could change my mind about it , but then circumstances canged and i had to go with the change. no one forced me to change so now i am going into business in shaa Allah!!.

#13. I HATE BEING FORCED! I just hate the fact that someone will force me to do something. lets just say I AM STUBBORN i tend to do the opposite of what i am told but i usually do the right thing after i acknowledge my mistake, but i will never do the right thing if i am forced to do it .

#14. PEACE & HAPPINESS! My aim is to be happy and have peace in my life and that is what i want for everyone else to be together in peace and love and happiness, laughter , even together in sadness and sorrow. to just be able to hold and be together it means a lot to me.

 #15. BRACES & GLASSES ARE MOI! I wear braces and glasses and i am proud of myself. But i love the way i am Alhamdulillah!

#16. I PREFER BEING UNIQUE! I mean everyone is uniqe in their own way but some people have a tendency of acting like other people thinking they are not good enough i just want to say that i like being me and i do not like following other people because that is not who i am. 

#17. A SMILE IS MY DAILY MAKEUP!! I smile everytime Alhamdulillah. i love it whan i smile and look at someone then they smile without knowing what i am smilimg about. the feeling is amaizing MashaAllah!!

#18. I GET ALONG WITH EVERYONE! I do not like being a hater or keeping a grudge against anyone i like everyone no matter how you are or who you are. 

#19. I LOVE MY HOME!! I love my home, my country means everything to me although i do not like everything but i love it and how it is Alhamdulillah! i live in Continent AFRICA, CountryTANZANIA and Island ZANZIBAR search it if you would like to know where i live i am sure you will enjoy it ALOT . did i tell you it is an island and it is summer here so it is sooooooooo hot wallah and i can't stand the heat.

#20. I AM A DREAMER!! I have lots of dreams Alhamdulillah i dream of traveling to lots of places like Makkah, Madina, Paris, . . . .  .all over the world in shaa Allah, i want to do Hajj in shaa Allah i want to be a better person in shaa Allah , i want to be someone who did something useful for Ialam and women in shaa Allah. those are some but i have lots Alhamdulillah!!


ASSALAMU ALAYKUM lovlies!! how are you guys?? I am good Ahamdulillah! i wanted to really thank the amaizing, kind , pretty chicas for nominating me Alhamdulillah i am really honoured. Alhamdulillah Allah made me meet these beautiful people survivers In Shaa Allah they will be privided with happiness and a beautiful life in this Dunya and Akhira In Shaa Allah with the whole Mmuslim Ummah in Paradise in shaa Allah.

i will not be nominating anyone but . .  i want you guys who read this and are new to Wattpad to try writing something like this in shaa Allah, Allah will help you.

lots of love from me but we al know Allah loves you more



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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