Chap. 2: starting class

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I was dressed I'm my crop top hoodie with a black tank top under it and long jeans. I decided not to wear the bloomer looking shorts I got they were too comfy.The school reminded me a lot of a castle, each class had 3-4 rooms and the school had 4 floors. The lunchroom sold really nice food... sometimes even things like steak. I had to pick up as a translator to be able to afford thing place though, so that was annoying but it has good pay. And we even had drinking fountains with flavored water. I kept noticing a blonde haired boy but I payed no attention to it. He did seem to be in every class and follow me around though but a lot of kids had the same classes together right? It was kind of like one of those weird teen rom-coms. The day droned on as each class went the clock just seemed to tick slower, but i liked the sound of clocks. They helped me fall into the endless abyss of my imagination and kept me trapped there until i was interrupted and of course, i was. A girl sprung out from behind me all the sudden. "Vous ne savez pas parler anglais, non?" She was quite louder than i expected and had a clearly American accent. "Non je ne sais pas mais je le comprends bien". She just nodded and smiled. "Well nice to meet you I'm Haiely Bell" she seemed very.. chipper and had pale skin with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She was absolutely stunning i had to say but that didnt change the fact that as she said that the girl almost fell. "im Mildread vous n'êtes pas très gracieux?" She just chuckled "Yeah i am, also the teacher wanted me to show you around the school". She seemed nervous and pointed to a group of boys "Be careful around them none of them are good.. its said they have killed people before and every time they hold a party one of the girls goes missing and is often found dead later". I was shocked, the short harmless looking blonde boy was in the group along with a taller brown haired male who's eyes were a black color, and a boy with long dark hair and one of the most charming smiles I'd ever seen. But then the bell rang and Haiely and i left it was time for lunch, a delicious looking spaghetti with fluffy white mashed potatoes, green beans, and a nice thick slice of cheesecake. Some other boys had joined the group now and both had brown hair and brown eyes but unlike the others they looked pretty scrawny, there were exactly 3 and one was definitely annoying the others. Looked like they all wanted to stab the poor dude it was really funny actually. They had a tv that always played some sort of pg holiday movie for the right season but we were allowed to have phones. While i didnt have one Haiely did and we watched "April and the extraordinary world" it was a cute movie. But we couldn't finish it before the bell rang. Next class was cooking and Haiely stayed with me for the class despite not having it, we managed to make banana nut muffins that were really good. But i couldn't help but feel the entire time a was being watched... well i guess there isnt much i can do anyway so we just kept going from class to class. We were learning about different things in the 1850's time frame and for some reason I knew some of the things that had happened... it was strange but i brushed it off. Maybe i liked history before i forgot everything? Finally we were finished with the day me and Haiely parted ways and as i went home. The stare. It followed me. Once i got home i sat down to watch tv and do my homework but the tv glitched out for a moment, huh weird. After and hour or two of the horrible torture known as homework i gave up and went to bed even thought it was only 7pm i had to get up at 6am to even get ready in time.

The next day
The tv displayed something... i must have forgot to turn it off right?

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