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Ahhhhh yesh i new series UwU
So before we start with the drama 6w6~ i have a quick anoucment to make owo heres the sanses who has fallen in loved with the smoll bean (classic)

Mafiea (from mafieatale)
Ray (from ringtale)
Bill sans
Ds-(ds people yeah im to lazy to right them all UwU-)

And more XD

Now back to the story :D

Sci Pov:

Sci:"that is true but we still dont know that his good or bad plus we dont know anything about him-"

As i was about to finished my word i saw classic there shacking crying being silent as i felt guilty

Katana:" yo sci ya ok you seem guilty-"
As katana look at what i was staring at

(hehehehe 6w6 the dramas almost there~)

As that cought everyones attention to look at what was i looking at

Classic POV:

As i snapped out of reality i saw all the sanses looking at me with guilt on there face i began to open the door as fast as i could all i could her was inks voice "no wait classi-" as a locked the door falling in the floor crying

Lily/meh POV:

As sans told me to cover my ears i felt like someones crying as i turned around to see sans crying as i immediately run to him and giving him support

Lily:"h-hey sans ya all right?"

Sans:" does it *sniff*  look like *sniff* im alright to ya?"

Lily:" ughhh hey how about the soulchildren they'll chill ya out  will that help?"

Sans:" *sniff* i-i g-guess s-so-"

???:"out of the way lily"

Lily/meh:"h-hey- ow" falls of TvT

Classic :" ughhh *sniff* darkness why did ya do that?"

Darkness:" because she dint even have a nice complament to make you feel better plus that was kinnda a dumb move to feel ya better"

Lily/meh:" hey that doesn't mean i have to get knock out of the floor!"

Darkness:"you deserve it"

Lily/meh:"i do not!"

Classic:"all right knock it out"

Darkness:"as you wish angel"

《Ahem ya might be wondering why did darkness said angel to classic cuz sans has 4 guardians but sans din't know that he has 4 guardians
The name of the 3 guardians are



Soul (not soul sans) 

Bravery:" hey whats wrong sans?"


Intelligence(is that how ypu spell?):"sans you can tell us anything whats wrong?"

Ink POV:1 hour later

As we saw classic there crying all of us  felt guilty evenightmare and some had dead eye glared at razz but that was a while ago then we heard a loud thund in classics room all of us were shock

Bird:"did you guys hear that or was it just me"

Nightmare:" aint that obvious ya dumb bird?"

Fresh:"wait aint our rooms soundproof meh dudes?"

Sci:" oh right our rooms are soundproof but if that thund must be  and something big-"

The star sanses:"MUST BE AN ATTACK!!"

Outer:"shessh calm down it must be something or OK IT MUST BE AN ATTACK!"

darkness POV:

As angel (classic)was now feeling good now as we heard a knock on the door?

Nightmare:"why the f*ck ( im no longer inoccent TvT) would you even knock ink?!?!??!"

Ink:"hey im just making sure that-

Nightmare:"making sure of what?!?!"

Ink:"nightmare shessh look i have a key"

Fell:"finally something useful- hey since when did you even have a key from his room"

Ink:"i have spares on every room for you guys UwU"

Killer:" how about we just open the door? Right"

Ink:"all right"

Paitance POV:

As i heard something coming from door as it cought on everyones attetion as all of the soul children then began to come back to sans soul
As sans teleports to his bed and teleports lily to her own bed and of course turned off the tv and pretend to fall asleep

   (This is our bed room by the way)

Ink pov:

As we opened the door we saw classic and lily already asleep i guess we did left them to have some space 1 hour ago so im guess there asleep plus its already late

Bird:" is he asleep?"

Melon:"dude what does it look like"

Killer:"ok im guessing his pretending to fall asleep"

Color:"yeah im with killer we did left classic some alone time 1 hour ago-

Ink:" ok how about this we just have to leave him there sleeping and will get our answers tomorrow allright"

Aus:"fine/ok/allright/meh ok

Lily/meh POV:

As the sanses left our room i beggan to go to sans bed

Lily/meh:"ya got a plan?"

Classic:" what plan?"

Lily/meh:"dude did you even heard what ink said your gonna have to explain to them tomorrow!"

Classic:" yeah i heard"

Lily/meh:"so what are ya gonna do about it?"

Classic:"same old just gotta lie"


•°•°•°•°•°•time skip at morning°•°•°•°•°•°•

Classic POV:

Hate(not hate sans):"to days the day huh?"

《Allright ya might be wondering who is hate well sans haves 20 soul children in this story to just roll with it 6w6》

Classic:"yup todays the"

Classic:"and im guessing lilys allready down stairs"

Bravery:"well looks like it"

Classic pov:

As i was at the door staring at it for a couple of seconds and as i teleported downstairs i saw lily at the kicthen with blue i guess?


Lily/meh:"moring sans " lily said as she smiled and came to me to give me a hug

Blue:"........m-morning........."blue said as he felt guilt in his soul

Classic:"right im just gonna go to the living room"

Blue:"a-alright but is it ok if i come?"

Classic:"its allright"

•°•°•°•°•in classics mind•°•°•°•°•

Bravery:"yup this is gonna 100 percent fail"

------------------------CLIFFHANGER UWU

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