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"Poseidon, I'm worried about the child, I have a bad feeling, he doesn't move around a lot and the doctors say that there will be complications with his birth. I'm scared what if he dies? What will I tell Dylan, he was excited for a younger sibling. I still get morning sickness this late into the pregnancy, this didn't happen with Dylan and he is proof that this isn't normal." Sally Jackson prayed to the father of her child.

Hearing her prayer from thousands of feet under the Atlantic Poseidon appeared in front of the weeping woman.

He looked down at her shaking form with a frown, she was right this wasn't normal for any kind of pregnancy, godly or mortal.

He smiled slightly as an idea formed.

He reached out in his mind for the presence of his niece, Artemis.

Artemis are you free right now? He asked thought the mental link accessible through all immortals.

No! I am with my hunters and I thought that I made it clear 5 centuries ago about my thoughts of my mind being infiltrated by a disgusting male!!  She shouted in the link causing his head to pound

I know but a mortal that I got pregnant is having problems with her pregnancy, its been 8 and a half months and she is still having morning sickness and the doctors say that there will be complications with the birth and he barely moves, please as the goddess of childbirth may you come and bless his birth? I would owe you one. He pleaded with the short tempered goddess

I will be there in a few seconds but I'm sure that you know that there are always consequences to my blessing, I don't know why but there always are so be careful of the child. She warned harshly, wishing that the consequence would be directed towards the male that dared to touch her mind.

A few seconds later she appeared and immediately glared at the only male in the room who cowered slightly before promptly disappearing.

The goddess relaxed slightly, happy to no longer be in the presence of a male.

She looked over at the only other person in the room, the beautiful woman was curled protectively around her bulging belly, her long brown hair covering her face which was laying on her arm that was pressed against the length of the armrest of the couch she was curled up on. Most would have been fooled by the position and assumed that she was taking a nap except for the slight shaking of her body and the tiny hiccups that were sure signs that she was crying.

Artemis considered comforting the woman but it would be awkward for a stranger to hug and try to comfort you when you are crying plus she really didn't want to try to comfort a stranger - who in her opinion is a whore for just sleeping with a male - and she wanted to get back to her hunters.

As she looked around the room in frustration she caught sight of an odd reflection of three women shaking their heads while looking from her to Sally Jackson before they disappeared and the reflection returned to that of Sally on the couch but there was a dark glow emanating from her.

Artemis looked back at Sally in shock only to realize that there was actually a black glow surrounding her but it was being devoured by a soft sea green glow, she could only see it for a second before she blinked and it was gone as it was not within her domains to see such things,  the Fates must have been trying to warn her off blessing this woman but the second the fought crossed through her mind the three wrinkly old women appeared in the mirror once again shaking their heads.

This time when she looked back at Sally she saw that the sea green light was mixing with a grey light which was flecked by gold by this time the black aura was dissipating until it was gone and for a moment Sally glowed golden but only a moment before she reverted back to normal but the lights started showing up again, clear grey and sea green appeared first then a slightly dirty gold then a blue and green then a friendly black accompanied with an orange flecked brown and a bright white then suddenly Sally screamed as her water broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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