The girl's eyes flinched as her body shifted. She fluttered her eyelids open for the first time in a while. The girl looked around in the unfamiliar and mysterious place. It was weirdly cozy as candles were scattered all around the room.

She attempted to stand, but the temperature made her drop back into the comfort of her blanket. It was snowing. "Winter?"

She asked herself with a rather raspy and scratchy voice. The confusion was visible on her face.

Where is she? Why is it winter? Where's everyone? And most importantly, why was she wearing these clothes?

The girl looked down at her shirt. This is definitely not the one that she was wearing just yesterday. "What?"

Everything seems so, eerie. She didn't like this at all. This brought back memories. Memories that should've stayed in the past.

The place was so quiet to the point that she can hear her own breathing. Where was Yeonjun? Yeji? She for sure knows that they aren't this quiet. Especially when together.

The girl continued walking around the room, inspecting every little bit. Nothing, I repeat, nothing there was familiar. When she realized this, panic slowly took over.

She looked towards the door, the wooden door. She decided to open it, but before she could touch the knob, it opened by itself which caused her to shriek and fall over to her ass.

The door revealed a young teenager. A girl, to be more specific. She had middle length hair, which was tied into a low ponytail. She wore a jacket, which was military green.

The girl, which was on the ground, backed up, terrified as she saw a bow behind the teenager. "Hansoo?" The teen tilted her head.

"Who are you?" Hansoo glared as the girl attempted to help her up. "What are you doing on the floor?" The girl asked back, completely ignoring her question.

"Answer me. Who the fuck are you?" She asked again, but with strength, in hopes for her to answer.

"Damn, chill. I'm not going to hurt you. Hell, I'm even the one who's taking care of you." The girl furrowed as she reached her hand to Hansoo.

"Then why won't you answer the fucking question?" She slapped the girl's hand out of frustration. "Why do you need to know?" The teen caressed her hand, which was red from the harsh contact. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I can't just give out information like that." She sighed. "What information? Your name? How is that so important to you? It's just a fucking word, just say it!" Hansoo stood up and faced the girl.

"I'm Ellie." The teen, Ellie, rolled her eyes. "See? It's not that hard isn't it?" Hansoo glared. "Why are you being such a bitch? I literally took care of you for the past days." Ellie walked past her as she placed something on the bedside table.

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. I'm always fine." Hansoo turned her head to her. "Wait, what's that?" Hansoo continued as she pointed at Ellie's hands.

"Are you that dumb? It's medicine for your stupid ass." The young teen scratched her head, getting edged. "Like I told you, I don't need medicine! I. Am. Fine." Hansoo stood straight as she wanted to prove a point.

"Mhm really? Then explain to me why were you asleep for almost a week? Because I personally think that's not normal." Ellie raised her eyebrows.

"No I wasn't."
"Yes you were."

There was silence. She for sure wasn't asleep for that long. She couldn't be. Or was she? That question echoed in her head. Just yesterday, she was out, celebrating her 30th birthday. Living the life she always wanted. And just a day later, she's stuck in this hell hole with a brat to come with it. It was also summer the last time she checked. And now it's snowing? What the fuck?

"Look," Hansoo walked over to Ellie. "You don't talk to me like that. You're a fucking kid. Do you not know how to talk to older people?" She held the teenager's head to face her eye to eye.

"Stop acting like you're so much older than me." She harshly removed Hansoo's hand off her chin. "Uh excuse me?! I am in my 30's."

"Ha-ha, funny joke. You should totally be a comedian." Ellie rolled her eyes as she took out the pills, getting them ready. "You think I'm joking?" Hansoo's blood boiled. How can this kid be so stubborn?

"No shit. Why would you date a teenager then? If you're not a teen."
"I'm single."
"Oh wow another joke? Hahaha. Then explain to me who's the guy who brought you here?"

"What? Someone brought me here?"Her eyes widened.

"I can't take your stupidity anymore. There were 2 guys and a girl. One of them was holding you. They all looked depressed, actually. It was quite ironic. They told us to take care of you since they didn't have the supplies for it. Apparently, based on my father, you had a severe trauma attack. This knocked you out for almost a week, which was unusual. Turns out, your immune system is really fucking fucked up so you also caught a high flu."

Hansoo stood there. Overwhelmed by the information. "Excuse me but can you please repeat the first part? Who exactly carried me here?"

"Oh, that dude. He's tall, had a few tats, very buff, and I believe he had black and kind of long hair." Ellie put her lips together, thinking.

"Was he holding a sniper?" Hansoo asked desperately, sweating. "I really couldn't tell if it was a shotgun or a sniper. But I think it was a sniper, why?"

"No. I'm totally dreaming." Her heart pounded. The girl described Jungkook so well, it was scary. Jungkook is dead. Jungkook is fucking dead. There's no way.

The girl's breathing heavied as she looked around for a sharp object. Her eyes landed on a pen.

Ellie noticed this and quickly held her back. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled. "Trying to wake up?"

"What? You're already awake."
"I'm dreaming."

"You're awake!" The girl grunts as her fist flew to Hansoo's face. Hansoo groaned as she held her cheek. Eyes still closed, completely afraid to open.

Please be back. Please be back. Please be back.

She pleaded. She hoped that once she opens her eyes, she's back home. With Yeonjun. With Yeji. And where it's safe and normal. "Hello?"

Ellie. Fucking Ellie!

It didn't work. She still heard and felt Ellie's presence. Her face is still throbbing from the punch. She didn't wake up.

Hansoo felt every emotion all at once. Happiness, sadness, disappointment, excitement, fear.

"I-I didn't wake up..."

"Of course you didn't. What did you expect?" Ellie handed her pills. "Here drink this first. Maybe it can help you feel better."

"I swear. Yesterday, I was just celebrating my birthday in a normal life. A normal environment. I don't understand!" She held her head as it started to ache. "Well, maybe you were just dreaming."

Dreaming? No. It felt so real! Too real.

"If I really was just dreaming, can you tell me the names of the people who brought me here?"

"Well, I don't remember it clearly since it was almost a week since you were brought here. But I believe the girl's name is Yeji. She's the one wearing the high ponytail. The boy is..." Ellie held her lips, trying her hardest to recall.

"I think it was Yeonjun?"
"Yes, yes. Please continue?"

"And the boy carrying you was Jimin." The young girl nodded, confident of her answer. "You fucking serious?! Who the fuck is Jimin?" Hansoo's heart shattered. So, he really was dead huh.

"Wait no. I think I got the person mixed. I believe the guy was Jungkook."

The Final Turn: Camp ProspectWhere stories live. Discover now