Bonus 4

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Rose p.o.v

"Camryn Rose Miller get up this instant" someone yelled. I knew it was Luke already because he called me by my middle name. I groaned and snuggled into my blanket. Did they honestly think calling my full name will make me get up? No, it will not.

"Camryn, come on mum and dad are leaving" I rolled my eyes.  Like i care if they leave when they are leaving me to my death.

"I'll donate your books to charity" I shot out of my bed. Donate anything you want but you don't touch any of my babies. He chuckled once he saw my reaction before helping me off the bed. We walked down the stairs where everyone was gathered with a lot of suitcases lying  around.

"Look who decided to wake up" my brother Chris sniggered. I stuck out my tongue at him earning an eye roll in return.

"OK,  we have only one rule " grandpa said "stay alive and protect the girls" i rolled my eyes. That was just giving my brothers and cousins permission to be super overprotective. They handed out credit cards to all the older children, that is everyone apart from I, Sylvia and Leo. We gave out good bye hugs and they all got into by their respective cars. We'd have gone with them to the airport but taking 21 children to an airport Is not a good idea.

Everybody went their separate ways. Timothy, Andrew, Nolan and Adam went to Nolan's room to discuss. The two sets of twins, Hal and Lawrence went to the game room leaving Leo and I. I didn't even see Sylvia anywhere.

"Imma just head to my room" I said earning a nod. I walked up to my room. I walked in and saw Sylvia retouching her make up while seating on my bed and her suitcase was open with all manner of clothing spread across the bed. Like wth.

"Sylvia, get up from my bed" I said trying to contain my anger.  There was no use getting angry on the first day of summer.

"Nah" she replied batting her eyelashes in an annoying way "this bed is way more comfy"

"Get your stuff off my bed, that bed is for you" I seethed pointing at the second bed across the room. She rolled her eyes and continued doing it what she was doing. I walked over to the bed and grabbed her stuff before dumping it on the other bed. In the process,  her mirror fell down and broke. She stood up angrily and picked up the vase my grandma made for me (Dylan's mother)and threw it to the ground. She did not.

I lunged at her and gave her a hard slap . we both fell to the ground and the beating began. She dug her nails into my arm drawing blood but I did not bother. I slapped her face and dragged her hair making a chunk of it to come out. She screamed and tugged at my hair also. I blew her cheek and she blew back. Then I felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me up.

"Put me down" I yelled at the person struggling to get out of his hold.

"Rose, calm down" the voice said meaning it was Timothy. "Please calm dowm" he put me on the ground. I crossed my hand over my chest as Andrew and Adam tried to attend to her.

"What happened?" Timothy asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"She claimed my bed like it was hers and when I asked her to move she refused" I explained. They all looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Timothy rubbed his forehead furiously just as Nolan and Luke ran in. "That was no need to fight Rose, you could have come to one of us" I rolled my eyes "and drop the attitude missy" it took all my will power not to roll my eyes.

Nolan helped me clean up my wounds and bandage them. Sylvia was better though she sustained more injuries than I did. Evil smile.

"OK, Rose, both of you are grounded for fighting" Timothy announced making me groan and glare at Sylvia. "Drop the attitude or I'll extend it to 2 weeks, Sylvia you can't take Rose's bed so manage the other one, if you're uncomfortable there is a couch" the others in the room started to snigger while Sylvia shot them death glares.

"WHAT DID I MISS?" Chris yelled walking into the kitchen with Lawrence right behind him.

"The female WWE" Luke sniggered. I just turned and walked to the living room to watch TV but before I could get the remote Adam scooped it up.

"Give it back" I whined trying to grab the remote that he held above his head.

"No, first come first serve" he flipped on the couch and started to scroll through channels. I groaned and sat beside him. I placed my head on his shoulder and we started to watch movies. The others soon joined us. The first day of summer watching movies. I felt my eyelids become heavy and I was out like light.

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