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Chiara was excited. Like, REALLY excited. She was about to find out if she was going to Canada for an exchange year. And all she had to do was to open a letter. The letter she was holding in her hands.

But first she had to call her best friend Julia. They applied for this together, and if one of them hadn't made it, both of them would be heartbroken.

Chiara dialed her best friends number with shaking hands. This was it! She couldn't wait to see what was inside of her letter! Julia picked up after the first ring, and both of them asked the same question at the same time: "Have you recieved a letter from the programm yet?!"

Then they both started laughing. You could literally feel how nervous they were.

"Should we open them over the phone?", Chiara asked nervously.

"I don't know. Oh my god, I'm shaking! Let's just do it. What's the worst that can happen anyways?"

They both laughed at what Julia said. The worst that could happen? That they didn't make it of course! But they didn't want to think about that possibility, they were desperatly hoping that they made it.

"Okay, uh, on the count of three, right?", Chiara started. "One, two, thr..."

"Wait!", her best friend interrupted her. "I'll, I'll just... I'll just come over. I'll be there in 5', promise!", Julia shouted while loudly running around in her room, trying to find her shoes.

"Hurry up though Lia! I don't know if I can wait that long!", Chiara giggled and hung up.

She tried to distract herself from the letter after that. It was obvious that that didn't work out very well. So Chiara got some of her CDs and put them in her CD-Player.

In the middle of the first song, Chiaras doorbell rang. She immediately pressed the button with the key symbol on it to let Julia in, who then sprinted up the stairs.

"Fo.. four minutes... that's a new record!", Julia panted.

"Oh my god, you could've just walked, it's no big deal!", Chiara laughed. "Well, actually, nevermind that, it is a big deal, so come on! Hurry up, my letter's in the living room!"

Julia followed Chiara to the living room, where Chiara grabbed her letter.

"Okay, now on the count of three. One, two three!", Chiara yelled.

They simultaniously ripped open their letters and unfolded the pieces of paper. The room was quiet for a moment, then they started screaming at the same time.

"We did it! Oh my god, we're actually going to Canada!", they shrieked and jumped up and down. Yes, they were THAT excited.

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