Good or bad first meet?

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I looked at him and he did the same. If I were to be honest, he looked younger than me. I smiled after he shook my hands and introduced himself. He returned the smile but I think it was just to be polite.
We talked for a while but it was me doing most of the talking. He didn't like to talk much I could tell.

After getting to know him a bit, we started to talk about the drama and what we think about it. I finally couldn't take it anymore and pouted.
He was interesting and boring at the same time.

'Aii Yibo, why are you barely talking? Now I know why you got the part as Lan Zhan. You are really good to play that part. How can you not talk?'

'You are talking enough for both of us as well as the entire set. Why do I need to talk?'


'You are just a chatterbox like Wei Ying,you really will play the role well.'

'I think you're perfect for your role much better suited than me since it's not hard to play Wei Ying's role. Anyone can talk as much but you need great restraint to play Lan Zhan.'

'Your character has many lines so it is difficult to play. The facial expressions you need to pull off are complicated and much emotion need to be displayed. You're underestimating your character.'

'You really think it's easy to pretend to be emotionless and rigid throughout your scenes? Thankfully I didn't audition for your role, that would have been the end of me.'

'Likewise, I'm glad to not have gotten such a difficult role as Wei Ying.'

The argument continued like this for a while, neither can accept defeat yet both want the last say.

" *clear's throat* well this is more interesting than I thought. Maybe we should let persons watch you two argue instead of the actual drama. What do you say?"

They both jumped up and turned towards the table behind them. Their expressions were priceless when they saw the two producers casually sitting at the table and drinking something.

"Good morning again to you both."

"Oh Hi. Morning. Didn't see you there. When did you get here? Sorry I was late this morning, I missed my alarm."

"No problem, you are here now and having a great time from what I could see. Just try not to miss you alarm during filming days, will you?"

"Sure thing."

"Back to business, that was a great show just now. I regret to have interupt it. Twenty minutes of arguing just because you can't decide who is the better actor and who represents their role best. Never thought I'd see the day where two people compliment each other by arguing."

"Now now boys, you both got your respective roles since it best suits you. Both of you are great actors and are best for playing your roles. This was also just proven since in the drama Lan Zhan and Wei Ying argued a lot over both trivial and important matters. You two also argued on your first meet so I would say case closed. We couldn't have found a better Lan Zhan and Wei Ying."

"We just came to see if you guys met and got more than we bargained for. We have seen you met and already got taken up in your arguing way past the amount of time we could stay. We need to leave now to check on the preparations for tomorrow. Try not to argue."

"And get along a little better since we don't need you two giving us grey hairs sooner than we should get them. You can stay and talk for how ever long you want but we can't be here so see you tomorrow for filming."

'We will try to not argue, but it's Xiao Zhan who needs to not talk everyone into getting grey hairs'

"Aii Yibo, I'm not that bad."



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