Chapter 2

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Aizawa's POV:   Me and Tensei continued to text back and forth for about an hour. It was now 7:30.
'~Tenya seems to have fallen asleep... That's odd.~'
I quickly get pulled out of my thoughts by a buzz of my phone, it's Tensei.
"Could you please keep an eye on YaYa for me?" Tensei replies to my last text.

'~Can he read minds or some shi- wait, he never asks that. I want to know what is going on with both my student and my friend~'

"Why?" is all I text, slightly annoyed that he won't tell me what's going on.
Within a matter of seconds, he somehow texts,

"I've been healing to the point that I can walk well if I rest my legs every couple hours, or have Assistance, (I.e: Crutches, people etc.)  but I don't think Tenya has accepted it yet. He's constantly stressing himself out and overworking himself."
I start to type,
"Alright then, I'll keep a-"
But quickly get cut off by another, much more worrying,  text.
"He also hasn't eaten. He hasn't eaten in days. There's not a problem getting the food, he just won't eat it. When I managed to get him to eat, I found him puking it back up soon after."

'~What? He's not eating? Why wouldn't he eat?~" .
Questions start to fill my mind until Tensei starts to elaborate.
"He's also Somehow built a training robot with a quirk, and has been training all day and most of the night for about 3 weeks with it so far."

'~I think I get it. Mabye he's blaming himself for the attack on Tensei, and is trying to get stronger. It also sounds like he's plotting something, but I doubt it. He's a good kid.~'
I responded with nothing more then a
"Alright. Thanks for informing me."
As I turn off my phone.
              Timeskip to lunch  
                Tenya iidas POV
I was sitting down at lunch with Tysuu Asui, Izuku Midoria, Shoto Torodoki, and Ochoko Uraraka. We're more formally known as the 'DekuSquad' even though I've pretty much become the leader, as Midoria has shown to be too much of a self-sacrificing child to lead and protect a group. Similarly to Denki actually...
I'm the only one without a tray of food. Midoria and Uraraka are giving me a strange look, that I pretend to not notice.

'~Why are they looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with me? Is there something on my face?~'
I guess I zoned out and ended up with a worried/sad expression because Midoria taps my shoulder, he's sitting to my right.
I acknowledge him with a head nod and he leans into my ear and whispers just loud enough for me and Uraraka to hear,
"I can pay for the lunch for you if you want."
he states this in a worried tone, Uraraka nods with a sad expression, and I realise why they were looking at me like that.
'~They think I'm having the same problem Uraraka had a couple weeks ago! When she couldn't afford lunch and me and Midoria found out and helped her while her mother and father found a new job!~'
I quickly shut down that idea of theirs with a whisper just loud enough for them both to hear,
"Me, Yayorozou, Ayoma, and Todoroki are literally rich, you don't have to worry. I simply don't want anything, though I thank you for your concern."

That's a lie. I am really hungry, but I shouldn't eat.
'~If I'm going to get stronger, strong enough to beat that scumbag, than I need to focus on my strength instead.~'
Midoria and Urarakas faces seem to relax after I said those words, then they continued on with their conversation. Todoroki continued to slurp his cold soda so fucking loudly-  
And Asui was chatting with Midoria and Uraraka.

              Narrator's POV:

Bakugo was staring. He always was, but this time, it's directly at iida.

"Watching him isn't gonna get you a date bakubitch~" Mina coos quietly and enthusiastically. Nobody quite knows how she knows everything, but nobody questions it. Everyone knows that, if you want dirt on somebody, she's the person to go to.
"What would it take for you to tell me what he likes...?"
bakugo says in a barely audible tone.
"Well, I'm glad you asked~"
"I want golden (Aka make it look like gold) ice skates that look like this." Mina then pulls out her phone and shows the first photo in her gallery.

Bakusimp immediately orders it, and puts the order in her name after paying so the order can't be cancelled without her say so

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Bakusimp immediately orders it, and puts the order in her name after paying so the order can't be cancelled without her say so.

"Happy doing business with you! Now, tell me what you wanna know." Mina coos quietly but.  Proudly.

A little bit later, iida is talking with the group.
                  iidas POV:

"Bakugo is coming behind you and Deku with a tray." Asui warns because last time he did that, he spilled food all over Midoria and continued to make fun of him.
Todoroki continued to sip his cold soba, and me and Midoria tense up, the last thing I need to to deal with another food incident.
Surprisingly, he slammed the tray in front of me, and grumbled,
"You can't fight on an empty stomach idiot..."
Then he gripped my shoulder, in a weirdly comforting way as he left. I cant help but smile a little bit, as I know this is his way of being nice. The smile quickly faded when I realised that he wants me to eat...
"That was nice of bakugo *Kero*."  Tsu states, slightly confused to why he did that.
The conversation continues until
I start feeling overwhelmed. I realise that I'm also feeling light headed. I get up silently, and and state that I'm going to the bathroom. I'm halfway there when I feel panic build up rapidly I stumble backwards landing on what I assume to be a locker. I can't breathe, I cant think, I cant stand as I slide down the 'locker' "YOUNG IIDA?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" What I assumed to be a locker was actually a person. I think it's all might, but I can't tell the difference in my current state. "ERASER HEAD! COME QUICKLY!" I see a figure run twords me as their voices begin to mumble out. After a couple minutes, I'm calmer. It turns out that was an anxiety attack, and I fell on All-Might. He didn't know what was going on and called Shota-nii.  After a bit of questions from them, that I lied about anyway, they allowed me to leave.

             TIME SKIP 12:36 AM
"I know where you are, Hero Killer..."

"You. Are. Dead.
(Please correct my spelling if I made a mistake, English may be my first language, but I sometimes struggle with words because I've gotten more used to French.)

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