Short Beginning

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"She doesn't get it!" The girl yelled tears in her eyes. The person watching her frowned as he listened to the worried teen rant. "Whatever she and that BITCH has is toxic!" The girl continued while the teacher with her hugged her trying to calm down the tears. Only for them to come out faster and harder.

After she had calmed her cry's into sniffles the teen began again. "I walked in on them once…" she started solemnly, "the first thing I notice was how my friend was fighting for air. Before I saw the hands around her throat….her girlfriend was killing her. Yet a day afterwards the two had acted as if nothing happened, acted as if the other day didn't matter."

Once the girl stopped her ranting did the teacher finally have room to respond. "Well sometimes it's hard to change something that has become second nature." He had started calmly as he broke from the death gripped hug his student had put him in. With sadness the teacher met with red swollen eyes while the teen desperately tried to compose herself.

All this started once school had let out for the weekend. Being as the two were still at the school way past hours with the sky now near pitch darkness. The teacher was just about to head home when he had noticed one of his students left crying and panicking in the girls bathroom. Somewhere he would have never went into if it weren't for the school being vacated. When he had finally entered the bathroom he had found the teen near passing out as her breathing became quicker the longer she had panicked. At first he didn't have a clue on how to help and console the teen until his ears picked up on what her frantic mind made her speak. It was then did he know the full picture, even though he had only heard about four words.

"I don't know how to help her…." Came the females worried mutter. Which was weak and filled with many mixed emotions.

She felt like she was worried about her friend, to being angry and her girlfriend, while being sad that she could do nothing to help. To say she wanted to forget emotions was an understatement as she felt like her heart was carving itself out of her chest. A feeling she hated even worse than the confusing feelings she was experiencing over the pain in her chest.

"I had tried to help her out many many times and all that does is make her even more protective and ignorant to that Bitch then before I even had tried." The teenage girl had told, continuing from before. "It's like she has Eliza wrapped about her like a snake!" She finished yelling out in frustration, making the calm teacher just in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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