Dairy entry one

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Description: We go back to the friend group sitting around the massive table in the courthouse. They all are still in shock regarding the dairy found that is belonging to Angie. Now would these be some answers to all of the craziness leading up to the courtroom shooting. Abby Nathans and William Jones are leading the conversation. 

Roxy: (Starring at the book.). Have you guys read that book? 

Abby Nathans: We just got it back into our hands. The FBI wanted to look at it first before we called everyone in who was mentioned in the book.... 

William Jones: I was able to look at it briefly. (Starring at Roxy). The bomb thing regarding you is mentioned in the book. 

Shelly: Could we all listen to what's in the book? 

Mike: It will put all of us at ease. I mean I am still waiting for Derek, to tell me the reason he won't speak to me. 

Derek: We all lost connection. I mean I only talk to a handful of people at this table. 

Roxy: The Derek and Mike show is going to be on hold for a moment. I want to hear the things Angie wrote in this book. I have been having nightmares since the shooting. 

Bryanna: (Looking at Mike). Mike, please.....

Mike: I will put it a rest for now. 

Everyone: THANK YOU!!!! 

Abby Nathans: I will start reading the first entry.......(Opens the book). 

Description: We go into the first entry as it was happening that very moment. As everyone at the table is listening and trying not to tear up. The scene is where Angie first traveled to after to believe to been crushed to death by Joe. She is in a small desert town in Arizona, meeting with Lola Martin. They are in Lola's sister's cafe discussing the plan. The cafe is filled with a lot of people. As we focus on the cafe. 

Lola: (Sipping on coffee, as Angie approaches the table). Cousin...... 

Angie: (Hugging Lola. Then sitting at the table). Cousin Lola, how are you doing? 

Lola: I am doing well, loving it here in Arizona. Miss Costa Rica, but this will do. What is happening with you? 

Angie: My friend group back at home is killing me. To the point, I faked my own death three months ago, and no one knows where I am but you and Lucinda. 

Lola: Explain more please? (Wondering). 

Angie: It all happened because this fat kid Joe, started drama between two best friends since 7th grade. Derek and Mike, who I have told you about in the past. (Pausing for a moment). So Arabella, Joe, Derek, and I all drive to Mike's house to confront him. Yet, a fight broke out, and Mike's strangely aggressive father flung him at a rate of like 60 miles per hour. Then he bashed off Arabella's car, making a fat ass dent in the side of it where I was standing. So I hid under the car faking I was dead. Arabella was being crazy, running up and down the street screaming "Help.......Help......someone is dying.......Help......help". Then I was put in a body bag, once alone in the station, I snuck out and made my travels to you. 

Lola: That is absolutely crazy.......What is going to do now? 

Lucinda: (Walking over to the table). I am calling your mother Angie...

Angie & Lola: NO......

Lucinda: Okay......I will hide you out here for a while......But no bad behavior......(Walks away from the table). 

Angie: I need to go back to my hometown tho. 

Lola: How are you going to get the money, and what will people say when you come back? 

Angie: We need to give me a cover name......With an occupation, or stealing someone's identity. Then the next part of the plan is convincing you, Lucinda, and Bryan, to move to my hometown. Lola, I know you're crazy like me so you will enroll at the high school ty to become close with my no good friends. Then.....maybe even kill.....(Sipping on coffee). 

Lola: I am not sure about this..... 

Angie: I will assure you nothing will go wrong with this plan. Lucinda will never know any of this besides moving. 

Lola: I will try to convince her..... 

Angie: Perfect, my plan won't fail or let you down one bit. I am going to get my revenge on all of them. Just you wait and see, I will be the victor in this case. 

Description: Lola and Angie sit at the table laughing as they are sipping on their coffee. As we fade out of the cafe.....Now we go back to the conference room where the group is with Abby Nathans and William Jones. 

Shelly: (Mind is blown). SO, Lola and Angie are cousins........

Abby Nathans: That would be correct. 

Derek: So Angie hated the friend group because of me and Mike......(Tearing up). 

Ruby: No.....It was more on Joe's fat ass......(Rubbing Derek's back). 

Mike: I caused this alongside Derek.....

Derek: (Trying not to snap). Mike.....You don't understand the emotions going through my head at the moment. I have known Angie, since grade school before you, and knowing that she hated Joe I wouldn't have been friends with him.....(Crying)......Also, Mike, I wished that we never met due to the fighting we constantly had.....This is why I never talk to you......I need a moment....(Exits).

Roxy: Welp.....The member of this group who keeps the peace is now mentally stressed..... 

Benny: We need to finish this book today. I know it is 8:30am. But for my god damn best friend's mental health we are finishing this book today. 

Shelly: I agree... 

Zoey: Me too... 

Jackson: I never really cared for her. But I am in...

Ruby: She can't be as bad as the writing and hatred towards us. 

Mike: I am in as well. We need to get to the truth. 

Derek: (Running back into the room). Tori.......Tori........

Jackson: The annoying one...... 

Derek: She is laying in a pool of blood in the hallway.......(Freaking out). 

Description: Abby Nathans and William Jones and the friend group all go running into the hallway, to find Tori's body in a pool of blood. They all are in complete shock she is dead...... 

Abby Nathans: All of you back in the conference room now. I will be back in there in a second...... 

Description: The group goes back to the conference room. Now we focus on William and Abby. 

William Jones: Another dead.....(Hitting the wall). 

Abby Nathans: William, it's going to be okay. By the looks of her injury, she committed suicide. Look she slit her wrist on the right arm. You stay out here with her body, wait until medical crews arrive to move her body. I will go back with the friend group. 

William Jones: That is a good idea, Abby......Also, I will send in my assistant to help you with the rest of the day and night.....You will need my assistant in there today. 

Abby: I know.... And a social worker. 

William Jones: On it! 

Description: Abby walks back into the conference room. As we see William Jones with Tori's dead body in the hallway. Cops arrive dusting the scene for fingerprints as medical crews and other staff of the courthouse all start arriving to the scene of the crime. As we fade out of the scene...... 


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