Caru Core

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I don't know what I'm doing here. How did I get here? How did all of this happen? And how did it happen so fast?

I'm staring at a ceiling but it's not mine. I mean, it is mine but it's not mine. My eyes wander off the ceiling over to the large paneled window. The sky was white. Whether it is bright or just a thick cover of clouds, I don't know. My eyes wander off again and land on my lower body. I am covered by a thin summer blanket and I'm... naked? Why am I naked? I never sleep naked, not in Paris.

I slowly turn my head to my right and... who is that?

My eyebrows, now pulled together, form a curious frown. A boy, very handsome, with full, brown eyebrows and long lashes and full lips with a perfectly defined cupid's bow is lying next to me, the left side of his face hidden as it lies on the pristine white sheets of my mattress. His thick, brown locks completing the illusion of an angelic face, are hanging down his forehead, touching his perfect eyebrows ever so slightly.

I look at the handsome boy next to me, my eyebrows still in a frown, and then out the window again. What did I do last night? And why can I for the life of it not remember anything at all, yet have no headache from any alcohol-induced hangover that I could blame for not remembering this beautiful man next to me and how we ended up in my bed together?

Suddenly, my phone lights up on the floor next to my bed. I bend over the edge of the bed with my upper body, so as not to move out from underneath the blanket that is covering up my lower body. I reach for my phone and... nothing. Just a notification telling me today's weather forecast. No news. No texts. Nothing.

I look at the time at the top of my phone's display. 09:45. I sigh, pressing the off button on my phone, then putting it back down on the ground. I turn my head one more time to look out the window and at the mysterious, angelic boy next to me and them let my upper body fall gently back onto the mattress, my head plunging onto my huge, soft pillow.

I close my eyes and suddenly I'm back. Back home. Home. That was a whole tale for itself. Home.  Corsica. How long have I been stuck here? In Paris? In this refuge.

Corsica... Home...


The wind rushed around my ears, uniting in full harmony with the sound of the wheat moving around me, in which I lay, arms crossed behind my head. Waves crashing against the coastline in the distance, the sun warming up the skin on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and looked right into an azure sky with the smallest amount of clouds, moving fast yet elegantly with the wind. I close my eyes again, smiling.

"What are you thinking about?"

I opened my eyes again, tilting my head left. I was met by two beautiful amber eyes, surrounded by the longest, blackest lashes I had ever seen. I closed my eyes again, maintaining my smile and tilting my head back to face the sky.





Then there was silence again, only the sound of the waves, the wind and the wheat. Summer in Corsica was gorgeous. The stifling heat made bearable by the fresh breeze from the Mediterranean Sea and the sun warming your face. The azure sky and water contrasting with the golden wheat fields and stunning brown cliffs.

"What about Corsica?" It suddenly came from next to me.


"Nothing..." repeated the rosy lips beneath those gorgeous amber eyes and that perfect Roman nose.

Dream of me, I'll dream of youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें