Chapter 4: Mystery or something more

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The light was trickling through my window and I was trying really hard to open my eyes.I couldn't as I was really tired.So I stretched myself from the bed and took my alarm clock to stop its freaking sound.

My work starts this coming week and I was really looking forward to it.
But I still had a lot of time for exploring and even relaxation afterwards.

I live in one of the richest part of Manhattan,......... NO way just wishful thinking I actually am staying at the Lower east side and its totally fine for me as the sole purpose of my new york visit is job and my place is more than enough.
The sunlight was peeking through the curtains and I was still hesitant to get up cause obviously I wasn't a morning person😒.And I kinda adore those who can wake up early in the morning.

After alot of struggles finally got up and went to our kitchen to fix a coffee for myself. As I was about to go back I finally made an encounter with my final roommate Samantha.Her emerald green orbs were observing and calculating me and the only thing I did was to look at her eyes and I could easily see that the green emeralds had hidden depths and I got this strange feeling from them.
She had long raven hair which reached her hips and it was shiny.
I was the first one to blink so I introduced myself but to my utter dismay she gave me a curt nod and retreaded to her room.

I guess she isn't a morning person just like me.
With this thought I trotted back to my room and checked out this official website for workers in my new company.
And I did notice that there was no details about the reigning CEO who joined a few months before my arrival here.

It was suspicious but no details were there.Why would the head of a press company hide his/her identity from the public?

Well one more unanswered question for me, lol😜.

Even the gender of the CEO wasn't given?

How suspicious🤔.
Well in all honestly I was really curious.

But I did know that there was this strange ritual in the CEO's family which was also unknown to the public.In short the family was very secretive.

There wasn't anymore info's so I decided to check on Catherine. After the particular incident yesterday I didn't heard from her and that was somehow bugging me.So I knocked on her door.

"Are you in there?" I called out

"Wait a minute Ally i'm coming". She shrieked back in her high pitched voice.
She abbreviated my name and I never gave her permission to do that.But for once I ignored it.
She opened the door and she looked better than yesterday.She quickly gave me a hug(guess she is a hugger) and I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do and the only thing I did was pat her back.I know i'm a doofus but whatever.
She ushered me in and I looked around.The room suited her sunny personality. It had baby pink,yellow and a tint of sea blue.Then she pulled my hand to sit on the bed.

" okay I know i've got some explaining to do and i'm ready for it" she began.

I gestured her to continue.

She smiled and began,
"Okay the guys which u referred to as 'men in black' ",she paused adding air quotes, " are not really good people.
'And on top of that the guy is kinda really powerful and influential'

'Wow, then why did he visit our humble abode?' I questioned.

I kinda of knew that he was a person who was important because of the guys dressed in black who were always following him around.

Moments UnknownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ