It is enough...

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"God has decided to let me live another day and I'm about to make it everyone's problem."

Is the first thing I say when I open the front door.

I'm tired, sweaty and covered in dirt. Small pieces of rubble and questionable debris remain in my hair and all I want to do is take a goddamn shower.

Quickly closing and locking the door behind me, I scurry down the hall like the rodent I truly am.

"Kid what the fuck?" Beetlejuice is understandably concerned with my mental state as I make a break for my room, trying to go without being seen.

I already know my dad isn't home, and wherever he goes the red goblin follows, so I can expect another night alone with my succulents~

Those sweet, sweet little angels. With their thick pearlescent appendages, so precious and bulbous in varying shades of mint green to cotton candy pink... innocent and untainted by the filth of humanity, remaining captivating no matter the circumstance.

Ahem, moving on.

Sometimes it's not the people you hate you've gotta worry about.

I am scrambling up the stairs like a lunatic, desperately trying to make it before-

"(Y/N)! How did your exam go?" My neighbor calls from their kitchen window adjacent to our own.

Now don't get me wrong. It's not like I hate them or anything.

In fact, it's the complete opposite. The Maitland's are great. Constantly checking in on me, sending us (me) food and offering to help with any schoolwork I struggle with.

And it's precisely why I avoid them.

It hurts having strangers care more about your well-being than your own family. It's a constant reminder that I don't have that type of support system at home and I need to seek it elsewhere.

"Oh, hey Mrs. M... uh, the exam went great. I'm about to hop in the shower..." I trail off suggestively, implying that I was too busy to chat.

She laughed good-naturedly and waved me off. "Of course! Of course. I won't keep you with my chatter, but we will discuss this at a later time."

I nod sheepishly and head to the shower.


"Personally, I think you're too good for those assclowns you call parents. I mean, you've got me as your best friend, so that makes you pretty fuckin special!"  Beetlejuice chimed.

Rolling my eyes I continue brushing out my tangled locks, wincing whenever I get snagged on a particularly nasty knot.

"Shut up! After the stunt you pulled today, I'm inclined to believe you're just as bad as my dad and the garden gnome he's fucking." I hiss, not turning around to face him but instead looking at him in the mirror.

He pouted childishly, crossing his arms and turning away from me. "That's a low blow babe."

Maybe it's the way he makes no move to explain himself, or maybe it's because we finally have a moment to talk about what happened but I snap.

The anger from earlier today resurfacing and bursting from my chest with a vengeance.

Whirling around I yank the hairbrush from my wet hair and point it at him accusingly.

My face is scrunched up in rage and although he's incorporeal and there's no possibility of hurting him I'm contemplating throwing something at his stupid face.

"No Beetlejuice! A low blow is thinking you can count on someone to be there for you but the moment you need them the most they aren't there! Leaving you to wonder if they've left you behind just like anyone else you've ever let in! So NO, CALLING YOU OUT FOR BEING A FUCKING DICK ISN'T THE REAL LOW BLOW HERE!"

I don't think I've ever been this pissed off at him before, and I know he's thinking the same thing based off of the look on his face.

He is leaning away from me with his hands up in a placating manner. His eyes are wide and his jaw is slightly agape. He looks genuinely shocked with the outcome of this situation.

Taking a deep breath I squeeze my eyes shut and force myself to relax my tense muscles.

For a moment we just stand in complete silence, neither of us making any attempt to speak and it takes me a second to realize I had moved closer to him during my episode.

I drop the hand pointing at him and take a few steps back, clearing my throat.

"I don't like yelling at people. Especially you." I whisper. I turn away from him again, too upset to look at him in the moment.

As much as I don't want them to, tears begin welling in my eyes and it's becoming harder to breathe past the painful lump in my throat.

"Where did you go earlier? Why didn't you save me when I needed you?" I manage to croak out before the dam breaks and I'm sobbing.

Snot is dripping from my red nose and my freshly washed face is dirtied by tears that will make my cheeks sticky when they dry.

He stays silent as he scoops me into a hug and shushes me softly while petting my head.

We are now on the floor of my room rocking back and forth, both of us simultaneously worked up and broken down from the stress of the day.

It continues like this for several minutes before my tears cease and my breathing is back to normal. Beetlejuice is still holding me like the baby I am and continues to pet me like I'm a distressed pet.


"I..." he starts to say, obviously struggling to find the right words.

"I'm sorry kid."

It explains nothing and leaves me with more questions than answers, but in that moment...

It is enough.

(Sorry for taking so long :/)

→ 。゚゚・。・゚゚。𝒪.𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒐 ៹ ɞ

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