Chapter 2

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Chiaki POV (this will be short)

I slowly opened my eyes and her faced filled my vision. I could feel something on my shoulder. When she saw my open my eyes, she swiftly turned around and spoke. I couldn't tell what she was saying, I couldn't really see for that matter. I didn't even know who I had seen. It took me a moment to realize that her hand was between my face and the desk. I blinked a couple times and looked up, the girl was Mikan.

Mikan POV

It was the middle of class when Chiaki started seeming tired. It wasn't long after I noticed she seemed tired when she rather violently went completely limp. I quickly managed to get my hand between her forehead and the desk because with the speed she went down, it would've hurt a lot. The entire class stared at us. I tried desperately to get her awake but it didn't seem to work that well, I tried shaking her shoulders and her eyes slowly opened. I let out a sigh of relief and waved at the class.
"S-she's awake."
Chiaki gave a slow thumbs up and a smile.
"Hey are you alright? That was pretty sudden, did you sleep well last night?"
Chiaki shrugged.
"No, hardly at all actually. But me passing out was likely due to my narcolepsy."
"Oh! That would make sense then, if you ever feel like you’re gonna fall asleep just let me know, alright?"
Chiaki nodded. After what felt like years, school ended and we were free, I started packing my bags when Chiaki approached me. We had spent all our time between classes together that day but those weren't very long. Short enough for it to just be unintentional, who would want to spend time with her anyways.
"You wanna come over today?"
I jumped.
She tilted her head.
"Do you wanna come over..?"
She repeated, somewhat hesitantly.

Chiaki's POV

When Mikan said 'what' I wondered if I had done something wrong. We spent quite a bit of time together that day, was it weird to ask someone to come over when you had only met them that day? I thought it was normal, does she think I'm weird? My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse's meek voice.
"A-ah, did that c-come off as mean? I- I would love to it's j-just, nobody has invited me to do anything before. A-are you sure I'm the right person, you didn't m-mean to ask anyone else? I can't imagine s-someone as great as you wanting to spend time with me..."
I grabbed her hands and grinned.
"Of course you're the right person! You're really nice and you really care about people. I enjoy spending time with you."
The Nurse's eyes lit up, she smiled at me.
"A-alright just let me kn-know if I start being annoying. I- ah, don't want to b-be a burden."
Her voice slowly got quieter throughout the sentence, as though she regretted speaking.
"I assure you that you will not be annoying or a burden!"
I smiled and tilted my head a little.
"Well, we should get going if we want enough time to have at least a bit of a conversation!"
I found myself practically dragging the purple haired girl out of the classroom, upon realizing this, I slowed down.
"Sorry.. I'm just really excited."
Mikan jumped at the apology.
"Oh! Uh, I-t's ahh, alright! It's probably my fault!"
She squeaked, now trying to cover her face. I found myself giggling a little.
"How is it your fault? I'm the one you grabbed your hand and started running."
"I-I don't know but everyone t-tells me e-vertyth-things my fault."
I sighed, now frowning at the panicking girl, though she seemed to misread my expression for anger, as she started rapidly apologizing.

Mikan pov

I had shut my eyes and I felt tears begin to form and roll down my face as I shouted the same words I'd rehearsed endlessly in my head for years. God Mikan, you can't even keep a friend for one day, how are you so useless? Why can't you do anything right? My rushing thoughts were soon cut off by a soft voice.
"Are you alright?"
If I say yes I'm selfish, if I so no I'm a liar. I don't want to lie, but I don't want her to worry. Idiot why the hell would she worry about you? She doesn't care about you, she hates you. I bit my lip and shrugged, now shaking.

Chiaki pov

I was panicking, though I probably shouldn't let it show. Mikan is stressed enough as is and if she knows I'm also stressed she'll feel worse. Who did this to her? I understand that Mikan is shy and anxious but all she did was frown and Mikan broke down. All I wanted to do was hug Mikan, remind her she was amazing and deserved the world, but if I had learned anything about situations like these, touching someone without permission is a terrible idea.
"Hey, are you alright if I hug you?"
Mikan looked up at me, confused, then she nodded.
"T-thank yy...ou f..for as...king"
She said between sniffles. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, and sat down, the floor was uncomfortably cold.

Word count: 906

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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