4: Meetings

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Drake, Zach, and Jade were chatting up a storm, talking about this and that. It was painfully obvious that Alex didn't like talking too much. She went into another room and looked out the window. It would be rude to go back to the gardens, but she wanted to. A window was good enough she supposed. 

The window she sat at was reasonably large, the sill had comfortable cushioning, so it was easy to lay on. 

Her eyes fixated on the butterflies that fluttered outside, fluttering from violet to violet. Alex always felt some sort of connection towards violets and lilies, she couldn't exactly explain it. When she was young, all she ever wanted was to grow violets and lilies. She often fantasized about wearing a garland of violets around her shoulders, however, most discouraged her from it.

She found the lilies in Jade's hair to be stunningly pretty. Not many lilies grew around her area, she wondered if they were plentiful in the fairy realm. 

Without warning, Alex felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She jolted in shock to look behind her to see Jade, a huge shit-eating grin on her face. "Jesus Christ Jade, you scared me!" 

Jade laughs and goes to sit next to Alex. "What'cha doing here?" Alex asks, "I thought you were talking with the twins."

Jade nods, "I was, but then they started talking about boring stuff so I excused myself to come to find you instead," she explained, "I have a better time enjoying myself when I talk to you anyway."

Alex could feel the heat creep into her cheeks from that statement. It was a... nice feeling. 

The two talked about this and that, it was such a warm and pleasant feeling talking here instead of with the guys. It felt warm, it was so cold with the twins. 

"Hey Alex," Jade suddenly goes, Alex looks at her with confusion and curiosity, "Yeah?"

"I noticed you flinched when Zach put his arm around you and you seemed to get away as soon as he let you go," Jade comments, "Why is that? Does he..?"

Alex's eyes widen at the suggestion, "No, no, no! He doesn't hurt me!" She exclaims desperately, "I mean we barely even look at each other, I just don't like being touched by him, it doesn't feel right. That's all..." 

Jade nods, "So how do you sleep with him?" Alex's eyes widen further, her face twisting into disgust, "Excuse me?!" 

The ravenette's eyes widen, "N-Not like that! I mean sleep in the same bed, not the uh... other kinds of sleep with," she corrects awkwardly. "Oh," Alex blankly responds, it goes quiet for a minute before the two burst into laughter at the misunderstanding.

"But really though," Jade gets back on track, the laughter dies down, "how do you sleep in the same bed with him if you hate being touched by him?" Alex shrugs, "I just sleep in a different room."

"Damn," The other girl says in reply, "I can't imagine not liking Drake to the point I can't even stand being touched by him, that must be awful."

It goes quiet as the two stare out the window, watching the butterflies dance around the violets gracefully. "I'm jealous, Jade," Alex blurts out, Jade looks at her with curiosity as the blonde continues to stare out the window, "I mean, you're in a marriage with someone you love and trust, and yet no matter how hard I try, I can't love Zach. I just can't."

Jade looks over at Alex, gazing upon her before shifting back to the window, "I know how that feels."


"I never said I was in love with Drake, we're married but harbor no romantic feelings towards each other," Jade explained, the other was completely dumbfounded and bewildered, she doesn't think it was arranged even if Drake is royalty, why else would you get married if you harbor no feelings?

Alex inhaled, "If you don't love him, why'd you get married to him? Wouldn't you have preferred marrying someone you love?" she pondered aloud, Jade shrugged in response, "I've never found anyone I've ever loved. I didn't even bother trying. I really just married Drake for the benefits, with him I'm able to access the human world and with me, he can easily make trustworthy trade deals with other fairies."

The blonde blinked, "Oh,"

"We really just became friends over time, so it makes everything bearable." 

It goes quiet again, the silence resting gently upon their shoulders like a garland of violets. It would be nice, Alex thought, to be friends with Zach. They really should talk about it, Alex so desperately wants to just tell him how much she hates him, talk about how she just wants to be friends. But it's hard.

As they continue to watch the outdoors, Alex hears Jade giggle, she turns over to look at her. "What's up?" Alex questioned, Jade, calmed her chuckles and continued to gaze out the window, "It's nothing, I just thought of something."

Alex got closer, "Like what?" 

"Well," Jade snickered, "What if we met up at night, alone?"

Alex's eyes widened. That... wouldn't be the worst idea. I mean, a girl in a similar situation to her that she's already managed to become good friends with? Hell yeah. "I don't sleep in Zach's room," Alex explained, "I actually sleep at the very top of the tallest tower, it's quiet up there and nobody ever comes up, I spend most my time there or in the garden outside."

"That can work!" Jade exclaims, she gets up, her pumps clicking against the stone floor. "That's great!" Alex cheered. "Expect me there by 10 PM, I can't wait to start talking with you privately like this almost every night!" 

And with that, Drake opened the door into the room, Zach by his side, "C'mon Jade, we're leaving." He beckons her over, and she follows, standing next to him. "I'm glad you've made friends with Alex, but now we need to go. If we don't get back now, undoubtably Charli and Light would've killed each other by now."

Alex tilted her head, "Huh?" 

As Jade was being pushed out the door, she turned back, "Dragons! One likes the other but the other hates her!" she quickly explained before the door shut behind her and her husband, leaving only Alex and Zach. 

Zach opened his mouth to speak, but didn't get a word out before Alex fled, going up to her room.

It was a long walk, honestly. Maids just left her food on a pully system, getting it up to her via her balcony. The long walk through the nearly empty halls was nice. It was calming, in a way. It also got excersize in her, which was good but her calfs could feel the burn after she flopped down onto her bed. 

8 PM. 

Jade was going to be back here in two hours, and the other girl could barely wait.  

Magnet (Jalex Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon