When you're on your period

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Y/n: Itaru.!!!
Itaru: What?

He says haft annoyed focusing his attention to the game.

Y/n: Your being so mean!

I crossed my hand holding a pillow between my arms.

Itaru: That's bull sh*t how the hell did he shot me from there!

Y/n: OMG Itaru stop screaming!

I pouted at him looking down to look at my phone. I feel a sharp pain on my lower abdomen it reached to my upper legs tightening. The pain was sharp and continuous.

Y/n: Itaru, I am having very bad cramps can you get a hot water bottle are something for me please.
Itaru: Y/n if you want one ask Izumi.
Y/n: Itaru! My cramps are so bad can you just help me out one time please!
Itaru: Ok.

He hopped off his beanbag and stretched his arms.

Minutes passed by has I look up on the roof flicking the top of my tongue out of boredom. Trying to pay attention to something else upset for what feel like a knife stabbing in my lower abdomen. I heard the door creek open as I joliet up. Itaru was holding a hot water bottle and what looks like chocolate and a water bottle filled with something but I don't know.

Itaru: Here, Y/n

He handed the stuff in his hands as I gasp smiling. The hot water bottle was warm and comforting, definitely going to help. I looked at the rest of the stuff and looks like he got me some chocolate definitely be eating that later! I opened the bottle and it turns out it was some tea.

Itaru: Careful it's hot

The tea tasted like peppermint! The peppermint was light and isn't overpowering the tea was soothing casting a whole body of warmth. I heard that chamomile and peppermint tea helps out with cramps, I never tired it out but it's definitely helping me.

Y/n: You're very knowledgeable Itaru!
Itaru: Haha, to tell you the truth the director help me out.
Y/n: Well you still got these so thanks!

I smiled happily at him holding the warm
cup of tea in my hands.

Itaru: You're too cute Y/n.

He teased as I rolled my eyes at him continuing sipping my tea. My cramps eventually got lighter. Soon it was dark out and it's one of those day where I stayed over which doesn't happen often since Itaru always so busy rehearsing for his next play or doing work.

Y/n: Itaru will you cuddle with me please.
Itaru: Haha, I mean sure but you sure get a lot more clingy when your on your period.

He laughed at me as I crossed my arms.

Y/n: Nevemind! You're way too annoying.
Itaru: Come on Y/n I was joking

He put down his phone and his arm swing around my waist. Pulling me in his embrace it was warm and comforting. He so warm I smiled at myself until I feel asleep.

A/N: Hello, how are you guys haha. Well I planning on updating more since I have my motivation back. I know this one short but idk what more I want to add to it.I am having a lot fun writing this story! I can't thank you guys enough for all the constant support I get
form you all I can't thank you all enough! I just want to tell you I know all my constant supporters and I want to thank them so much for all the support! I love them all even the new ones I always appreciate the new ones! Always thank you so much for number one on the a3 hashtag that insane. Do I deserve number one spot probs not but thank you anyways. I hate my writing so y'all really helping me out.

Word Count: 578

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