Chapter 4: Adelina

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That night, I fell asleep in Wolfe's arms. We were watching the sun retreat behind the horizon for the night. A young girl handed me roses after the dance. I woke up that night next to Wolfe in my old room.

It smelled like him. I took a deep breath in and out. It was hard to imagine this scent disappearing from my mind. I lived with him for so long. It was the smell of home. But maybe, I'm meant to be elsewhere. What if I'm just a character in the Goddess of Fate and Creation's book? The Goddess of Fate and Creation can be cruel.

I snuck on to the roof as carefully as I could. I wanted to gaze at the stars again. I remember the last time I did this was with my mother. Does she see the same stars as me? It wasn't completely successful as Wolfe came out five minutes later.

"Wolfe, I have to leave. I have to go to Ekland. The rest of my job lies there. I took care of every corrupt noble here. I promise that I will change the world when I destroy the king and queen of Ekland. This world can't survive with them much longer." I said confidently. Wolfe looked at me with sad eyes.

"Are you sure? You know the price of this right? What happens if you get caught?" I avoided his gaze.

"I won't. I can't. Because I am the greatest assassin in the world. I promise I won't get caught." I hugged Wolfe. Wolfe smiled.

"You better be safe," he said. I laughed with him. That night I packed all my clothes and brought Merle with me to the nearest Briller stone. It's been a while since I rode one of these massive birds of the sky. For their size they aren't aggressive. They can fly faster than speeds we can imagine. One day, I would like to fly on my own wings and see the world the same way they do. Even if it is for just a second.

A Briller the size of Merle landed on the stone. It let out an ear-piercing shrill that echoed in the city for miles. Merle gave a small bow to the majestic creature that perched in front of me. I have seen Brillers before, but never of this size and beauty. Beautiful, was the only thought that raced through my head. What is it like to be a revered and respected ruler of the sky? I climb atop of it.

I woke up on a cold, damp floor. I couldn't stand or walk around. I heard voices.

"Is this the bitch? The one with the wolf?" One voice asked.

"Yes. Do I have permission to abuse her final hopes?" A familiar voice said. The hairs on the back of my neck rose. Goosebumps filled my skin. I struggled to stand. The chains clanked against the stone floor. "Guess she is up now. Let me take care of her."

The familiar man walked towards me and gripped my chin. He smashed his unwanted lips into mine. When he released his lips from mine, a string of saliva hung in between our lips. I threw up onto the ground. I felt his hand graze my skin and blood drip down from my cheek. How do I get out of this? I know I'm Midnight Assassin, but how do I manage to take care of this man with my body chained to the ground and with my skin exposed to his everything? The man touched me roughly with his hands. I felt despair creep into the corners of every inch of my soul. My breaths quivered in fear. Was I about to die or lose everything I have to this man of grime. I heard a girl in the distance speak something of the Flif language. Time froze around me. I moved out of the chains now that they were frozen in midair. I walked towards where I heard the young girl's voice come from.

"Woen dias dien?" She asked.

"Mien nimel ise Adelina," I responded. "Woen dias dien?"

"Mien nimel ise Cherri." Her voice was soft like my mother's but she held power in it. "Dias dien Pantoria?" I nodded. She sighed in relief. "Cendias sabeth mien?" I nodded again. She smiled happily.

"How long have you been stuck here?" I asked, hoping she understood the common tongue.

"Ten years." She seemed to struggle with the common tongue, but for a Flif she was well versed in it. Compared to most Flifs, she understood more about it. How do I break her out? Do they have my weapons here? Or are they by that Briller stone?

"Cherri, have you seen my weapons?" She hesitated. She pointed to a table. Merle was frozen. I saw that blood lined his chin and legs. I was terrified of these men. They needed to be killed. If I don't kill them, they'll endanger others.

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