Day 1: Hide and Seek - Zoethian - Part 1

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Hey guys! This is the new schedule, uploading every two days this month. This might change, but we'll see. This is the first part of 4, however the this and the next chapter might not seem related, but it will be. Trust me.


"Where are you?" Rythian asked in a sing-song tone as he walked around the top floor of Blackrock. He was attempting to find Zoey, and another girl, who just happened to be Zoey and his four and a half year old child.

Erin was a beautiful girl. She had brown hair, the same shade of her dad's, that went down to her elbows. She did have the streak of differently coloured hair in the same place that her dad did, but it's wasn't blonde, it was bright red. Her eyes glowed a light green, taking after her mother; she seemed to take a lot from her. Zoey and Rythian were very proud of her, and she was the closest thing to perfection you could get.

"Erin, I know you're here, somewhere." Rythian grinned, in search for the girl, and ducked his head behind a long certain that trailed onto the ground.

"Boo!" He shouted to no one, as there was not a soul behind the curtain, and he began searching once again.

Eventually, after searching everywhere he could remember, he was going to give up however one last idea popped under his head. He approached his bed which had a large space underneath it, where a small child could fit under. Rythian poked his head under the gap, seeing the faint green glow of his child's eyes. 

"Found you!" He smiled and hugged her as she crawled out from under the bed. 

"Rythi! You found me!" She giggled, making Rythian grab her hand. 

"Hey Erin, do you want to have a race?" Rythian asked while his child stared up at him.

"Race! Race!" She yelled loudly as she giggled and nodded. 

"Okay, the first one to find your mother gets to name the baby mooshroom." He smiled at her as he watched Erin's eyes light up like a christmas tree and a grin spread on her face.

"I'm gunna beat you!" She squealed as she ran around the house. I quickly searched around the house and realized there was still a whole other place that I didn't check, B.A.R.R.Y.

Quickly, I headed down down into the depths of the lab and flicked on the lights, seeing a shadow appear from the weapon room. 

"Got you!" The mage shouted as he saw Erin in a strange shape; almost as if she was hiding something.

"Nothing here daddy!" She chimed, and stumbled over almost as if it was on cue, revealing his lovely wife.

"Hello." She awkwardly laughed as she stood up and gave Erin a piggyback. 

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled as he gave her a quick kiss and climbed back up to Blackrock.

"Hey, sweetie, it's getting a bit late. I think it's time for bed." Zoey knelt down to get on Erin's height.

"Awh." She pouted, but then smiled again when she heard that Rythian would tell her a bedtime story.

The young girl finally settled in her bed, holding her dad's left hand as the other one sat on his lap.

"Are you comfortable?" He said, to which she nodded.

"Okay. Well then little one, let me tell you a story. About a boy and a girl, and a land of magic and monsters." He cooed to her, and continued until she finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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