I Feel Inlove But That Love Disappear

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Hi my name is Kim Y/n, im 23 years old, my parents died in car crash 3 years ago im a single child and i have a boyfriend his name is Jeon Jungkook, his 24 years old but we are not gonna talk about that, we are going to talk about "my first love" today im going to tell you my story, lets name it 'i feel inlove but that love disappear' It was 10 years ago, i was all alone and had no one to talk to at school and at home, my parents never really cared about me and i was a single child , they just cared about my grades more then me and i was badly bullyed at school, but everything change when i meet 'Park Jimin' he was cute, he was handsome, but mostly he was kind, sweet hearted and had a sweet smile, he transferred 1 week ago, thats when i got to knew about him, after one month we bacame friends, best friends i may say, we talked about dreams i said 'i want to be an idol one day' but he was scared that i mite forget him when i became an idol, i said 'dont worry, when i became a successful idol i would meet and marry you one day' he nodded, and everything change when i went to seoul to practice to became an idol, and after 5 years i went back to our home town, because i was ready to ask him to marry me and have children with me, i was infront of the door but my decision was a mistake, when i knocked the door there was a women opening the door, i then ask 'um do you know who is Park Jimin?' she answered 'oh yes! His my husband' i was shook but i hide it, then answered 'oh, i never knew that he had a wife and a child' she answered 'oh are you one of my husband friends?' she asked, i then answered 'yes i'm' but then jimin came he smiled but then disappeared when saw me, he said 'y/n what are you doing here!!' i was shook that he shouted at me for the first time, i said 'hi jimin, nice to meet u again' *i then make a fake smiled* he pulled me to the side of his house, and said 'what are you doing here!!!' i answered 'i-i came here t-to ask y-you to m-marry me *crying*' and he said 'what?! When did i wanted to marry you!!!, you never knew that i Never wanted to be your friend? Im just faking to be your friend y/n!!!!' i was shook of what he said, i was never expecting him to say that infront of my face, but it just happen like karma hits you, i then answered.'oh, if u never wanted to me friend, then...why did you came into my life then? We made a promise Jimin, we promised we are going to marry each other, but it seems like u cant even wait for me huh' he was speechless, he can't even say a word but then he said 'y/n remember this, not all promises were made to happen, some were made to be broken some were not, please just let me go y/n, we were not meant to be ok!!!, i never loved/like you!!!! So let those feelings go ok!!!!' i then cryed of what he said, but if he wanted me to let him go, i will let him go, besides he already have a beautiful family and i can't take that away from him, cause thats his only happiness, i then said,'ok Park Jimin i hope u have a wonderful life with your wife and youe child, but may i know her name?' he then said 'her name is Park Jungmin' and then i said 'oh what a beautiful name, i have to go now Jimin, have a great day, sorry if i already ruined it, ok now see u next time Park Jimin' and that was the last time i ever meet and see his face again, i hope he has a wonderful life without me now, but like what others says "let the pass go, lets just focus the future now" well thats my story thank you for reading this have a great day :) ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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