Cooper-Wilde proposal

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A male anthropoid blue merle Australian Shepard named Chris Cooper stood up from the fire house's main dining table after having his breakfast which was chocolate chip chocolate waffles which a fellow firefighter named Luna Chandler who was an anthropoid fox. As Chris walked around the table he stopped behind his girlfriend who was an anthropoid gray raccoon named Sandy Wilde. He then kissed her on top of her head and said "Have you seen Blaze yet today I have a few errands to run before we go to your brother's for Christmas so I am going to go separately." Chris said.

"Okay tell him I will be a little late. I can feel the fur on the top of my head where you kissed me is sticky from the syrup." Sandy replied

"Sorry." Chris replied as he left the kitchen/dining room. As he walked through the door his fire chief who was a male human named Blaze walked past on his way to the garage. "Oh hey do I have permission to leave now I need to run a few errands before I go to Sandy's brother's."

"Sure just keep your radio on just in case something happens." Blaze replied

"I was already planning on it. Even during the party." Chris replied as he went to his car.

* * * * * * * * *

Forty-five minutes later he walked up to the front door of Sandy's brother's house and knocked on the door and a female anthropoid fox named Riley Brooks-Wilde answered the door. "Hey you're an hour early." she said answering the door.

"I know but I am also planning on proposing to Sandy. My plan was to hide the ring somewhere on your Christmas tree." Chris replied

"Oh that's a nice way to propose but I thought Tim's way was romantic." Riley replied as she shut the door after Chris walked in. "Oh we have the perfect branch to hide the engagement ring too."

"Oh nice." Chris replied as he opened a small bag of Christmas tree ornament hooks. he took one and wrapped one end around the thinnest part of the ring.

* * * * * * * * *

As soon as it came time to open gifts Chris looked at Sandy and said "I have one for you but it will be the last one for you to open."

"Um okay." Sandy said a little confused.

When she got to her last gift she started to untie the ribbon Chris had tied on "The box is just symbolic." Chris said.

'What do you mean?" Sandy asked.

"Go look on the tree you might find what should be in that box." Chris replied.

Sandy stood up and rolled her eyes.

As she turned around with the ring she saw Chris on one knee. "You know I am not that big of a romantic speaker especially in front of a crowed but you do make me a very happy man. I would love to marry you."

As she started to tear up sandy said "yes." Interrupting Chris' proposal statement.

Cooper-Wilde proposalWhere stories live. Discover now