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Jean rubbed his hands together, trying to heat them up. It was Fall and he had been walking around taking pictures of an old park nearby for a school project. He just entered grade twelve and was working towards becoming a professional photographer. He had loved it since he was little and, frankly, he was quite good at it.

"It's too damn cold..." He frowned and picked up his camera again, taking a few shots of some of the leaves coming loose from the tree branches. It was Autumn, the beginning of school, and he was already fed up with it.

Letting out a curse as the wind picked up again, he swung his sweater hoodie over his head. "I shoulda brought a thicker jacket," he muttered. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he kept on the path. Squinting through the cold and trying to keep the wind out of his face. Cursing still as he came close to the end of the park, he spotted a little doughnut shop, among other small buildings.

Picking up his pace, he walked quicker and left the park behind him, busting into the shop. "Ahh..." A little bell above him jingled as the door opened and closed, and he moved to stand in the middle of the floor. Sniffling a little bit from the temperature change, he glanced around the decor. It had white and pink floor tiles, leading out to an area where they had tables. In front of him was the counter, complete with a case below for all of the doughnuts they had freshly made.

He looked up, seeing what looked like a high school junior. He was a skinny little thing with a fair amount of acne. 'Boy am I glad I don't look like that...' Jean worked hard to look the way he did. The teen in front of him obviously didn't. Jean moved awkwardly to a seat near the window. He set his camera on the table, flipping off his hood and reached for his satchel that held his laptop. He sighed, placing that on the table and pulling out his laptop and USB cord.

He unzips his thick sweater, hanging it off the back of the chair and hooking up his camera to the laptop and starting it up.

Just then, he heard the familiar jingle of the bell and a shout.
"S-Sorry I'm late!!!"
Jean turned to see a tall freckled boy burst in, breathing heavily and running behind the counter. "Sorry Jacob..." He gave a smile to the teen and ran to the back, coming back without his jacket and possessions, but in turn he had a white work hat on and was putting a white apron on.
"Nah Marco it's okay, just don't be late next time, kay? I got stuff to do..." The acne covered teen also walked to the back, coming out with a jacket and backpack and leaving the shop.

Marco straightened himself out (whoops) and lets out a happy sigh. He noticed jean staring at him and he gave a little wave in his direction, grinning the whole time. Jean chuckled at the scene and waved back. "Late for work?"
Marco scratched his neck. "Yeah, I slept in a little more than I intended I guess..."
Jean gave a little laugh. "Heh, I can say I know how that feels," By that point they were the only two left in the shop, the only other customer had left just after Jacob.

"Enjoying your weekend?" Jean raised an eyebrow at the tanned worker.
Marco shook his head, pursing his lips. "Looks like you're having fun though? What're you doing?" He leaned over the counter a bit, trying to see the laptop.
"Oh, this?" Jean turned to look at his camera. "School project..."
"I see, what's it about?" Marco questioned.
"Just a little collage, they're making posters for some sorta fundraiser, so they're having us students do this. It's a crappy excuse for a grade twelve assignment though..." He lets out a short sigh, "But, ya'know, the less work the better I guess..."
"Well it sounds better than work," Marco lets out a laugh and leans his elbow on the counter, placing his hand under his chin.

Jean smiles, "yeah I guess... Hey how much are the doughnuts here?" He asks. Jean loved doughnuts, as you could probably guess. The local Tim Hortons near his town was his favourite place to go to eat. His favourite was the one with the Boston Cream with sprinkles, it reminded him of when his mom used to buy them for him all the time. Doughnuts were his favourite thing to eat, they were like a drug to him.

"Ah, just ninety-nine cents!" Marco smiled, as he probably did with other customers. Jean smiled and pulled his wallet out, grabbing a dollar coin. "Well then I'll take that one..." He pointed to his favourite doughnut in the case, happy to be reunited with it once again. He handed Marco the coin and snatched his prize in exchange. He smiled and walked back to his seat, "Ah... Bon appetite!" He grinned as he took a bite out of the sweet meal and started happily clacking away at his computer.

He uploaded his pictures to his files, looking through each one carefully and remembering where he took each picture. He smiled as he flipped through them, downloading each one.
"You really like photography huh?" Marco says, smiling.
"Huh..? O-oh... Yeah..." He shrugs, "it's really fun, I mean I can. See myself in each picture I take ya'know?"
Marco shakes his head. "No, not really," he scratches the back of his head. "Actually I want to go to school for bakery!" He perked up.
"Izzat why you're here?" Jean asked.
"Ah, yeah I guess, I mean my parents took me here when I was little." He shrugged and rubbed his neck.
"Ah, I can see why... The doughnuts are amazing..." He took another bite, as if to prove his point.
Marco let out a little laugh. "Does this mean you'll come back then?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Are you kidding? For sure!" He chokes on his doughnut, not realizing what he just said. "I-I mean, if I'm in the area, I mean," he paused. "That's what I mean."

Marco laughs and lets Jean finish his project as other customers started to come in.
Much later, Jean had finished his project (Buying three more doughnuts and a coffee to help him along). "Done~" he leaned back in his chair, 'fucking finally...' Looking at the screen, he saved his work of art and closed the laptop.

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