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After the bell rang to end lunch, Jean headed to his next class, photography. He had another period after this, computer science, but photography was truly his passion. It was the only class that he actually worked hard in. The teacher for that class, Levi Ackerman, was also his favourite teacher. By that I mean Levi was the only teacher that didn't try to call the police every time Jean did something wrong.

Jean sat at his desk and took out his laptop, opening it to the familiar hum of it starting up. He pulled out his USB stick and leant back in his chair, clacking away at the keys to open his editing program.

Mr. Ackerman strode into the class just as the bell rang. "I hope you all finished your work..." Levi sighed as he sat on his desk. "Alright bring up your projects and"- he picked up the plastic bin sitting on his desk- "plop them in here."
Jean picked up the USB, throwing it into the bin - not wanting to get up - earning him a glare from Levi.

"Alright brats, I'll e-mail you your grade tonight, but for today, we get to learn about getting the right lighting and setup for people."
Jean snickered when he heard a sarcastic "yay" from the back of the class.
"Yes exciting I know, even better you guys have your first test next week thanks to your asshole classmate here."
Jean sighed, used to his friend Connie getting them all extra homework.

The rest of the class went the same way, sarcastic comments and swears, most of which came from Levi. At the end of the day he nearly fell asleep from the amount of notes in computer science. The only homework he had was to find a model for his photography class by Friday.
Jean walked home, which was his daily workout of two kilometres, and flopped down on the couch as soon as he got inside.
"Jean! Welcome home sweetie! How was school?" Jeans mother called out from the kitchen.
"Great mom.. I only fraught with Eren once today!" He imitated the voice of a child as he smelt cookies from the kitchen. "Juuuust great..."
Jeans mom frowned and went back to taking the cookies out of the oven, "Well I'm sure your father will be happy to hear about that.."
Jean shrugged, his mood dropping. "He doesn't have to know." He closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head.
Jeans mom sighed, Mr. Kirschtein was a very particular man. He was the manager if a big company, and often wasn't home, but even then he ruled over his family with an iron fist.
"I won't tell him, but you need to try to get along with that boy.."
"Just drop it mom! He's a stubborn brat who thinks he can do whatever he wants.."
"Jean you're being unreasonable.. I'm sure you're just as much to blame as he is."
Jean grunted and pushed himself up from the couch, "I'm going for a walk..." He shoved on his shoes and threw his jacket over his shoulder, grabbing his camera as well. His mothers voice drowned out as he shut the door and stomped along the street. He sighed and watched his cold breath puff through the air.

Jean found himself in his favourite park, and he started taking pictures of leaf piles or dogs. He let out a sad smile at a little keychain in the shape of a teddy bear. Before picking it up he took a quick picture. "Huh.. Wonder who would leave something like this behind." Jean shoved the trinket into his pocket and went along the path. He kept taking little snaps until he found his camera pointed at the cute little doughnut shop.
He smiled and let the camera rest with the strap around his neck.

Opening the door to the familiar jingle, Jean grinned as he saw the freckled employee. Marco looked up from his spot at the counter with a smile. "You're back!"
"Someone's excited?" Jean raised an eyebrow.
"It's been a ghost town in here all day.. It's killing me to be surrounded by doughnuts yet banned from eating them." Marco sighed.
"Yeah? I can only imagine..." Jean put on a grimace at the thought.
"So what have you come to work on? Or could you just not help the doughnuts here?"
"Well I actually am supposed to be doing work, I just have no idea what to do for it..."
"Well what are you supposed to do?" Marco leaned on the counter, hand on his chin.

"Well I'm supposed to find a 'muse' for my class, one that'll last the rest of the semester..." Jean fiddled with his camera, gliding his fingers over the smooth surface and the buttons.
"Well how about your parents, or siblings?"
Jean shook his head, "Nah, I don't have any siblings, and I'm definitely not gunna be that person who uses their parents for a project. Bleh."
Marco let out a laugh, "Well if you're stumped I'd be happy to help?" He gave Jean an innocent freckled smile.
Jean paused, looking from the camera to the cashier. "I've known you for like, two hours man."
Marco shrugged, "You'd have an excuse to come by for doughnuts?" He swept his hair out of his face, "Plus I've always been told I could be a model." He struck a little pose.
Jean stuttered a laugh, "Alright, if you're okay with it, you're gunna be getting a lot of business buddy."
Marco took out a paper bag and slipped on a glove, "I work to serve."
Jean shook his head smiling and took off the lens cap. Aiming the camera at Marco, he adjusted the focus. "Smile!"

• • •

Jean left with doughnut crumbs on his hoodie and a new number saved to his phone.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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