xxx. cedric diggory ✔

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the kiss list, adrian pucey
𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐

the kiss list, adrian pucey𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐

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chapter thirty

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CEDRIC DIGGORY WAS OUT OF BIANCA'S LEAGUE. There is no sugar coating it or denying the facts of the matter, because, generally, everyone was. Cedric was too good for everybody. And not because he was ignorant, or believed himself to be better than everyone else, but because the Hufflepuff was probably the only decent guy in the entire student body.

You could of course argue that Malcolm Preece is up there in the "perfect boyfriend material level" but there was no doubt that Malcolm was always slightly overshadowed by Cedric. From the outside looking in, if you hadn't had one actual conversation with the boy, Malcolm Preece was just "the best friend". Sort of like how people saw Ron Weasley. Just the other Gryffindor, that hangs around the Chosen One all the time.

They were pretty similar in personalities and interests, but two very different people.

But that's not what we need to think about right now.

The topic of the conversation was how on earth Bianca was going to get a word in with Cedric Diggory.

Being the boy everyone wanted, Cedric Diggory was rather hard to get a hold of. Wherever he went there was usually a girl or two or three tagging along for the view. He was like a celebrity, except the only thing "celebrity-ish" about him was his looks.

Many could appreciate that Cedric Diggory was blessed on the looks front. The perfectly styled head of hair meant he didn't even need to put any effort into his appearance. The angelic and hypnotizing grey eyes, that, (of course Bianca wouldn't say out loud), weren't nearly as beautiful as Adrian's ─ but that's straying off of the point of the matter, but adorable to point out.

The point is, is that maybe the crowd of fans was slightly exaggerated, but you get the gist: the boy was attractive. Full stop.

Except, Bianca didn't even think about that. She was going for it. Pushing the boat out. Approaching the situation head-on. If she over-thought it, she'd never manage to kiss the damn boy.

Bianca liked to believe that being all dolled-up in a flashy dress and heels - oh wait. Whatever footwear and a fancy gown gave her some kind of lost confidence. This whole Kiss List business had had that effect on her.

Cedric Diggory was standing at the other end of the hall, somewhere Bianca hadn't expected him to end up: on the sidelines. He wasn't standing in an awkward kind of manner, but the rocking of his feet, causing the beverage in his glass to splash up the sides and the rim of the flute, like a boat at sea, and the occasional whistle as he watched the crowds dance about, told Bianca that he didn't want to be alone.

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