surprise visit

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Chapter 5

   'You have two unread messages... press one to list-'

'You have two unread messages...

Monday 4th, January 2021 at 3:23 PM,

"Hey bro, it's Finn...

Wow, you usually answer *chuckles nervously* so this situation is kinda weird.

Ok so I need to get right to the point...

This is harder than what I thought... you usually stop me when I talk too much.

I mean I *do* get carried away sometimes but you know it's because I get excited and all and then I need to say all those things and since we don't see each other all that often you know...

And you would think that nothing happens in Lima but that's really not true,

I mean just yesterday Mrs Jackson came by the garage to get her walker fixed *laughs* thinking I could fix it because 

*high and offensive feminine voice* 

'it is making a funny buzzing sound' and 

'Oh dear you keep growing up so fast...' and 


Like I don't feel like I grew *that* much, and even, I don't think I *can* grow more you know... like doesn't it stop at one point or something...

I didn't really listen in science class so I wouldn't know...

Anyways what was I saying...?


Crap I forgot...




Uhm wait it'll come back...


Oh yeah! Right, so mom booked me some tickets to come and visit y-"


'To delete the message press one... to save the message press two... to call back press three... to read next message press hash-'

   'You have one unread messages...

Monday 4th, January 2021 at 3:34 PM,

"Ah- I had to call back because the line cut when I was trying to tell you that mom booked me some tickets to come and see you...

I didn't know there was a time limit or something, like what's the point?

It's not my fault if you didn't answer your phone and I have all these things to tell you...

But I won't even need to call you next time to tell you about Lima 'cause I'll be comin' over!!

Oh and before I forget, please don't let me sleep on the couch. It's so small and my neck got soar last time and I couldn't turn my head to the right... 

It was a nightmare, how do you expect me to work with a soar neck?

Plus I know you've got this awesome air mattress so don't even think about lying to me...

I'm thinking of visiting Rachel too, is she still with that Brody guy? Uhg I hate him! 

I'm *so* much better than him...

I'll send you my plane ticket so that you know when to expect me...

Ok... well see ya!"




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