1,2,3 breathe

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(Meredith POV)
"Derek!" I jump as I wake up on the couch with water in between my legs. "What, what!" He realizes I'm panicking as I jump off the couch. It doesn't take him long to realize there is amniotic fluid all over the couch. "O-oh god!" He jumps up as I'm sitting frozen in the living room. "Derek..." I say freaking out, "it's ok I'm going to grab the hospital bag and get in the car, it's all gonna be fine." I nod for a response and he runs up stairs and is back down in fifteen seconds. "Ok it's gonna be ok" he speed walked me to the car and laid a towel on the seat before I sat down. "Derek I'm scared" we where driving as fast as we could to get to the hospital. "It's ok your doing great!" He tried to comfort me but the stabbing pains in my uterus weren't helping. "Ahhh!" I screamed in pain as my first contraction hit me. "Ahh son of a $@%#" Derek placed his hand over my stomach trying to calm me down.
We finally got to the hospital and he rushed me into the ER. "Bailey!" Derek shouted at Miranda as she was just about to walk away, "Wh- omg grey!" She realized that Meredith had gone into labour and rushed over to see us. "I need a wheel chair! Stat!" Bailey was ordering nurses around to get to me. "Ok Meredith your doing great just breathe." Surprisingly Miranda was more calming than Derek and I was able to stop screaming... that's until my second contraction hit. "Ahh!" I grasped onto Dereks shirt with all my power. "Page OB right now!" Derek said to one of the nurses, we finally got up to OB and I was admitted into a room. "Ok Meredith, I need you to open your legs so I can see your dilation, can you do that?" Connie asked, I nodded and opened my legs wide enough for her to see. "Ok your almost there 7 cm in so just breathe and relax." Connie left the room, and Cristina came in. "Heard you went into labour" she barged I got the room and took a look at the ultrasound on the screen, "healthy baby in there" she walked over to my right side of the bed and brushed the hair away from my sweaty forehead. "Tell me something to help with... the pain!" I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut to cope with it all. "Umm... men are stupid and this why I don't have kids" I looked at her with wide eyes and I'm shock. "That's not helping" I told her as I looked over at Derek. "Ya maybe let's try to not get mad at me" Derek said as her swayed his hands through my hair. "What? you did this to her" Cristina pointed out, I smiled and then looked over at Derek before giving him a kiss. "It's ok honey you did... ahhh! Damnit!" I cursed as that was my 3rd contraction In 15 minutes. "It's ok mer, just breathe 1,2,3 breathe" I followed Dereks instructions and tried to pace my breathing. "A nurse should come in any second." Cristina told me. About 5 minutes later of screaming a nurse came in, she looked oddly familiar though. "Oh god" Derek sighed as he realized who it was quicker than I did. "Hello Dr. Grey and Dr. Shepherd?" The woman said confused as she looked at the chart. That's when I realized who she was. "Oh my god" I groaned as she sat on a chair and wheeled herself over to my left side. "Um... alright I'm nurse rose as you probably know, and I'm here to put in your epidural." I turned to the side and faced Derek. "Please be careful" he told rose as she got out the 15cm needle, "Dr. Shepherd I respect your wishes but I am doing my job so please be quite as I stick this huge needle in your girlfriends spine." I gulped before I felt a big pinch in the middle of my back. "She's my wife" he corrected her, they started to bicker as I sat there in pain. "Holy crap! Shut up, I'll let you guys bicker at each other when your in stirrups and trying to push out a 10 pound baby! But right now you guys should be focusing on me and not a relationship you had 3 years ago!" I snapped at them, they immediately stopped fighting and Derek looked back down at me as rose left the room. "Holy crap this baby is not coming out easily!" Derek kissed my forehead before he went to the other side of me to rub my lower back. "Your doing great honey ju-" I could not listen to him again to tell me to just breathe. I'd like to see him in my shoes. "Shut up! I am not breathing until I know this baby is safe and healthy!" Crap there I go again scolding him for just trying to help me. "Dammit I'm sorry" I started to cry into his shoulder, stupid mommy hormones! "It's ok, I deserve it" he admitted. "No you don't! I'm just taking my pain out on you" I was so out of breath by now and could hardly breathe. "Shh it's ok, your amazing" his words made me feel somewhat better and I calmed down a bit.
20 minutes went by and my contractions where now 2 minutes apart, "ok Meredith your 10cm dilated, I need you to push on 3" I took a deep breath and got ready to push, I held onto Dereks hand for dear life as Cristina held onto my other hand and had ice chips for me. "1,2,3... push!" I squeezed Dereks  hand and pushed when Connie told me to. "Alright Meredith you doing great but this baby is being stubborn, it looks like this birth may take a while." I was ready, ready to get this baby out and in the world. "Of course it's stubborn, it's a grey!" I groaned as my hand never let go of Dereks. "Ok on 3" she counted and I pushed for what felt like hours.

———5 hours later———
"Ok almost there, 1 more push and your baby is in the world." I couldn't do it any more, I was so tired. I had so much sweat on me that me hair was drenched and it looked like I had gone swimming. "Ok mer it's ok your doing amazing, just one more. Can you do that for me?" Derek had a cold cloth in his hand and was doing his best to wipe the sweat off my forehead. "I-I can't... it hurts so bad" I cried into Dereks arm uncontrollably. "Ok Meredith, i need you to push this baby is in danger if you don't" Connie warned, I understood that this baby needed to come out but it hurt so damm bad. "Ok Mer, this may be hard but I know you did not carry this baby for nine months just to let this happen. You are strong, you are Meredith Grey, you are strong and a woman. So just push one more time!" The pep talk Cristina gave me was probably the only reason I did push. "Ok..." I managed to get out while I was crying. "Ok 1,2,3 push!" I took a deep breath and pushed. "Ahhh! Dammit!" I cursed as that was probably the most painful push yet. I waited a minute and got really nervous when I didn't hear crying... a few seconds later I heard my baby's voice.

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