The intro

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This is where it begins
Imagine a road, a silent one. Calm eerie music and slow cold fog inserting right ahead of it. On both sides are tall navy-lavender and as they slowly fade in distance grey coloured mountains. And dirt lies all the way from the side of the road extending to the mere kilometres up the mountains. And that's where she stands.

Bare feet, broken,

Before you shal feel pity her. Know that she wears a pare of leggings on top which she put sweatpants, an under T-shirt, two layers of the same black 100 % cotton t shirts she got from handm 3 years ago, and a long light cardigan.

Her name is Laila Abuov and she is walking forward.

Note from author:I will be writing next chapters in some French, Spanish here and there and even even
a lil slice of Russian. And please feel free to correct my grammar and sentence structure, that will be appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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