Chapter 1 - First Encounter

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Clouds of dust rose behind you as you trailed aimlessly along a trail in your new town. You had moved there two weeks ago, but hadn't been able to escape the twenty-meter radius around your house due to the hassle of moving your belongings in. The house was small and run down, which was liveable due to the fact that only you and your mother were living there, but you were happy to finally get out. 

So far, Tulsa hadn't been nearly as exciting as you were hoping. Maybe it was just your homesickness getting in the way of your opinion, but the town really had barely anything to offer. It was full of sketchy gas stations, lots of farmland, and one little drive-in theatre. Though it was bland, you promised yourself that you would do whatever you could in order to make it interesting. 

As you continued through the forested trail, you spotted an opening in the trees. Faint voices reverberated through the humid air, but you were too far away to hear exactly what they were saying. You walked casually to the edge of the trees and tried to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. You soon realized that you had caught a brief glimpse of the area while driving into the town. It was a small field full of tall, yellow grass right behind a scrappy set of buildings. The trail led straight down the field and you noticed that you weren't the only one on it. About 50 meters ahead, three boys were conversing with three much smaller children. Despite the distance, you could make out the older boys' features. One of them wore a navy blue muscle tank and had brown, greased back hair. Beside him was a much taller boy with dark brown, nearly black hair and a jacket that matched his hair colour perfectly. He stood as if he had some sort of authority, completely opposite to the way that the guy on the other side of him held himself. He was the smallest of the trio, his hands buried in his jean-jacket pockets, head to the ground. He looked utterly out of place, and you found yourself pitying him without even knowing his name. 

It appeared that the little kids were trading cards, and two of them handed their decks to the tallest boy. He said a few inaudible words before throwing the cards into the air, sending them scattered across the ground. The kids looked at him questionably for a few moments before the guy opened his mouth again.

"GET OUTTA HERE OR I'LL KILL YOU," he yelled, waving his arms frantically as he did so. You stifled a laugh at his effort to come off as scary. It seemed to work on the kids, though, as they scrambled to their feet and ran like the wind at the sound of the boy's raised voice. The big trio chased after them, the tall one shouting threats and leading the way with the brown haired boy close behind him and the small boy in the far back, trying his best to keep up with his gang. The little kids ran into the forested area just to the right of you and the older boys gave up on the chase. They were now easily visible and you examined them more closely as they caught their breath. 

"Let's scram, Dallas. Darry's gonna get worried if I'm out too late," the brown-haired boy said to the tall one. So his name was Dallas.

"No Socs are gonna be able to hurt you as long as I'm here, Pony. Isn't that right, Johnny?" Dallas replied, pulling the boys in so that one was on each side of him. 

"Pony?" You whispered under your breath, confused by the boy's name. Must be a nickname or something.

"Yeah, I guess," Pony sighed in response to Dallas's statement. Johnny simply nodded and jammed his hands back into his pockets.

You had gotten so caught up in their little antic that you completely forgot the fact that you were clearly visible out in the opening. The evening sun illuminated your white cardigan and pale pink skirt and it was a wonder that the boys hadn't yet spotted you.

As if on cue, Dallas glanced towards you and gazed directly into your eyes. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He said, smirking as he lit a cigarette. You backed away slowly, evaluating how to react. 

"Cut it out, Dal. We gotta go or we'll be late" Johnny urged, barely raising his head up as he spoke.

Dallas exchanged several glances between you and Johnny before sighing obnoxiously, a cloud of smoke escaping his mouth as he did so. He held his arms up in surrender and ultimately turned his attention to Johnny. 

"You're right, the sky's gettin' dark. Let's go," Dallas said, leading his crew away. You let out a sigh of relief and turned quickly to walk back down the trail, thinking about those boys the whole way home.

The sun had nearly gone below by the time you were back 'home'. You were still nowhere near adapted to the place, even though all of your belongings had made it there safe and sound. Your heart was still in California, which was where you spent your entire life up until that point. That was where your dad was, though, and your mom was adamant to not live anywhere near him. 

"Mom, I'm home," you called out as the creaky screen door closed behind you. 

No answer. You sighed and walked over to the living room, where your mom was sleeping peacefully on the couch. You considered waking her up, but decided to let her rest. The move had been hard on her, too, but even in her exhausted state, she firmly believed that it was the right thing to do. 

You made your way over to the kitchen and opened a can of chicken noodle soup, which caused enough noise to wake your mom up.

"Oh, good morning, y/n," she said tiredly while rubbing her head.

"It's 7:30 in the evening, mom," you laughed while pouring the soup out of the can and grabbing two bowls.

"Ah, right. Did you get the chance to explore the town today? Meet any new people?" She asked, resting her head back into the couch.

"Yes, I most certainly did explore. Tulsa's got potential, I guess" I replied.

"That's great to hear. Do you have any plans for the night?" 

"Actually, I think I'm gonna go see a movie."

𝖇𝖆𝖉 𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || Dallas Winston x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن