2// Lasting Impression

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The Splintery Butt, the place where many compete to become the best in a card game known as Bring Out Your Beast.

David had never been that good at the game if he had to be honest, but Mark? It'd be a lie to say he didn't admire how good he was at the game. He's seen Mark win almost every game he played, with his only defeat being when his opponent, Turner, used Beast Snare. And even then it didn't make much of a difference, everyone was losing to her anyway with that card in play.

David thought about Mark's ways of playing as his face grew a bit red. It was impressive, admirable to him, even.

But back to reality.

It wasn't often that David battled the other kids in the game. He was mostly there with Mark and Barry to cheer them on, and to watch them play. And maybe learn a little something. This was mostly due to him feeling a bit inferior to the other players.

"Bring out your beast!"

A shorter kid enthusiastically showed his deck, gripped tightly in their small hand.

David looked down at the kid confronting him.

Me? Why would they want to challenge me?!

David knew he had no choice but to accept, but anxiety weighed down on him like a brick. Mark and Barry would be watching him play.

Thoughts swarmed in his head, what if I mess up? What would they think?

He especially feared Mark and his overly-critical ways.

"Are you gonna accept or what?" The shorter child said again, holding out their deck.

David looked back at his friends, who looked back at him expectantly. Sighing in defeat, he pulled out his deck. "Fine, bring out your beast..."

Laying their cards out on one of the tables, they summoned their beasts. Mark and Barry stood next to David, watching the game intently. David felt a bead of sweat run down his face.

I can't lose in front of Mark...

David was confused at the sudden thought. When did this become about impressing him?

But he didn't question it any longer as he directed his attention to his opponent.

"I play Flareynx, the Phoenix!"

The child slid their beast onto the table and looked up at David. The card itself looked menacing, the flaming avian showing it's sharp talons and beak to the viewer of the card. Gulping, David picked up a card from his deck.

"I play Seabra, the water spirit!" David put down the card, which depicted an equine spirit made of water. Upon looking at the beast types, David realized he had the upper hand. David calmed. Maybe I have a chance!

"-And I attack with bubble jet!" He finished his sentence and dealt six damage to his opponent's Flareynx.

"Well, I give Flareynx a power-berry boost and attack with my flame talon!"

Normally Flareynx would only do about half of its normal damage due to water beasts being its weakness, but with the added power-berry boost it was able to do full damage. "Take 5 damage!"

David switched out his Seabra for a rock-type beast. "I play Stalagmight and attack using cave-in!"

Dealing 4 damage to his opponent's beast, David was sure that he could win this. That was, until...

"I replace Flareynx for a Bushalo and attack with my earthquake stampede, and then grow a thorn bolt!"

The child rolled, landing on a five. The thorn bolt would do five damage, PLUS another five that the bushalo attack added on. 10 damage, plus the damage David had already taken earlier in the game was...

25 damage taken.

David froze.

I lost...?

His opponent boasted over their victory and then ran off, leaving David sitting there, speechless.

I was so sure I had that...

"Aw dude, you almost had that." Barry comforted, putting his hand on David's shoulder.

Somehow, that made him feel worse.

"Yeah, well, he could've survived longer if he bothered to use a deflection card." Mark pointed out, crossing his arms.

Aaaand there it is.

He cursed himself silently, Mark was right. He felt embarrassed, extremely embarrassed. He lost right in front of Mark. The comments certainly didn't make things better. In fact, it made things even worse.

He looked at Mark and then looked away again quickly.

It was just a card game, but why does it hurt to lose in front of him so much? He probably thinks I'm stupid for losing, I know he would've won that easily...

David didn't say anything as he gathered up his cards.

"You alright, David?" Barry asked him but still got no response.

I just wanted to do something right, just something to impress Mark. Of course, I can't even have that.

"Yeah, I'm fine." David sighed. He looked up, attempting to flash his usual buck-toothed smile, but it was half-hearted. He ended up just lowering his head, facing the ground, no longer meeting Barry or Mark's gaze.

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