Oneshot 2: Relief

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"Camila" I hear my mom as I walk down the stairs, still in Pjs

"yes mum?" I answer noticing her standing looking out of the window. I walk behind her looking over her shoulder.

"there a kid on my lawn" she states and looks at me

My face goes blank and my heart begins to race "Emilia"

I rush to the door, opening it to see her lying asleep on a plaid blanket.

"Em" I shake her. "Em did you sleep here?"

"yes" she say her voice still groggy and sleepy,my heart melts, but I snap back fast.

"my parents were going to call the cops" I lie, but she doesn't move.

"well tell them to please do, I have a charge to lay." she states and my heart races again.

"what happened Em?" I started searching her for wonds or something.

"you" she laughs "you stole my heart"

I hit her arm playfully "you can't do this to me Em. You're going to get me in trouble. Your mother is probably so worried."

"no she not she know where I am" she laugh standing up and folding her blanket.

"wait here, I might as well introduce you to my parents." I let go of her hand and walk to the door.

"mum, dad that girl outside is Emilia. She's the girl I told you both about" I awkwardly laugh scratching my head.

"oh, your girlfriend." my dad smiles. "invite her in. We'll make extra pancakes." he insists.

"fine, but no, telling stories from when I was younger and Tom and cate won't annoy her." I state as I walk to Emilia, who is still standing how I left her.

"dad's making blueberry, raspberry and chocchip pancakes" I take her hand and being walking, but she doesn't move. "Em com'on"

"what if they don't like me"

"too late to wonder on that. You should of thought of that before you sleep in my front yard" I laughed and we began walking

"mom, Emilia. Emilia mom." I introduce the two and Emilia smiles

"good morning miss Davies" she stuck her hand out, but my mother pulled her into a hug

"call me Jo." my mother laughs as she welcomes her.

We go on introducing Emilia to everyone.


"so Emilia, from what my daughter tells me your an actress ?"

"well, I wouldn't call myself an actre6 yet, I've only started studying This year" she laughed, squeezing my hand under the table.

"Emilia!" Cate my 5 year old sister called from the opposite side of the table.

"can you play with me" she looked at my mother than at me "after breakfast of course" she laughed wiggling with excitement

"well, you'll have to ask your sister. She's not one for sharing" Emilia jokes and i hit her arm again. "i swear I am going to be bruised" she rubs her arm pouting her lip.

"can i, please Mila" Cate begs.

"fine, only and hour" i laugh stuffing my mouth

"woah, woah, slow down there pancake monster" my dad jokes causing laughter to erupt.

"you know when Cami was younger" my mother began as i hid my head in Emilias shoulder

"mumm!" I somewhat scream in her shoulder.

"let your mum speak, Camila" Emilia laughs, knowing she working on my nerves.

"when Cami was younger she used to hate clothes so she'd run around in her dipper and if that wasn't bad  hse often had pancake crums on her mouth, so her dad used to call her pancake monster." she stood up taking a photo album from the conner table and searching for the picture.

"there"she pointed to a picture of me, in my lazy town dipper with pancake crums allover running around the garden with Thomas my older brother.

"you were such a cute baby" she laughed pulling my cheek.

"all done" Cate began pulling at Emilia sleeves"we go play now"

Emilia scooped cate up excusing herself and flowing cate to the backyard where cates swing and water table were.

"Camila, she's a gem" my dad smiled and a weird sense of relief washed over me and I walked out back. Looking through the sliding door watching as the played airplane. I couldn't help but wonder if this was how she'd look one day when she played with our children.


What would you do If you significant other sleep on your lawn

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