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     It's been two weeks since I was saved. Today I finally get to go home. It's been a rough two weeks. The first few days I was in a lot of pain and on the highest pain medication they could give me, I don't remember much from them days expect from the pain and fear I was feeling.I've had a number of nightmares but thankfully my family havent left my side. Including Matt, Niolca and Megan. they have all been here to helpl me recover and I have a lot of recovery to do. From what I've been told it was touch and go for a little bit. I was rushed in for emergancy surgery after they figured out my spleen had ruptured and was bleeding out. Thankfully they managed to take it out and stop the bleeding, but i also had a disloacted jaw, broken cheek, three broken fingers, lots and lots of bruises. When i first saw myself I cried, I was a mess. My whole face was swollen, my muscles were sore and all i could do was sleep. 
    Slowly but surely I have recovered. I'm still in pain, I still can't talk that well because of my jaw, but I am thankfully off the completely soft diet they gave me and I'm now aloud to eat a bit more. it still has to be soft foods so it;s easy for me to chew but I was eating my dinner through a straw so huge step forward on that one. Matt has been great, not leaving my side getting me everything I needed, protecting and reassuring me when I was scared. It's made me love him more. As much pain as I was in, I was happy when Toby said he got there in time to stop his sexually abusing me. I cried all night in Toby arms thanking him. I don't know if i could have gotten over that again. The door opens pulling me out of my thoughts
     "Hey baby, ready to go home?" Mum walks in with a smile, but her eyes are sad and she has dark circles around her eyes. It's going to take some time for us all to recover. 
   I nod "I'm ready to sleep in my own bed" I laugh, I can't open my mouth very wide so I'm still mumbling quite alot. but thankfully my family are starting to understand me better. Liam and Ashley walk in after both wearing grins. They came to give me a kiss and hug before going over and packing up my things, I did most of it last night but I still get tried fast so I need to sit down then I fell asleep. Once the doctors talks about my care and my brothers take all the leafets possible to read over we are on our way home. I tense as we leave the hopsital. Chris was arrested and although he had to be in hospital for a while due to Liam and Toby kicking his arse Police stayed with him so he couldn't leave the room. Once he has been checked he was escorted straight back to jail and thats where he will stay for a while. they have all my information and evidence. Three other had also stepped forward to file rape changes against him. It broke my heart that they had to go through what I did, and I was really engry we didn't try harder to find him and get him set down, but he's where he derseves to be now. he wont hurt anyone for a long time. 
      We pull up outside the house I realise I've been day dreaming the whole time, I sigh as the door opens and Toby is there "Your Majasty can I escort you into the house?" I chuckle and nod as he helps me stand from the car. Nina come running out of her house but comes to a holt in front of me, she wants to jump me and hug me because I'm home and safe but she doesn't want to hurt me, I step forward and carefull put my arms around her he hugs me back gently and i hear her cry "I'm so glad you're ok" she sniffs Nina has been an emotional wreck since it all happened. She came to help in the hosptial but I mainly asked her to help Ashley with my bedroom. I wanted a change, so they promised to make it completely different. 
    We walking into the house and I frown when I don't se Matt, i was hoping he wouold be here. Ashley jumps behind me "Want to see your room?" I nod as everyone laughs, I don't know why he's so excited. Slowly I take the steps up to my bedroom, I try to keep the pain from my face we take each step but I see Liam notces and puts an extra hand round my back to help. the door is closed when we get there and everyone moves away waiting for me to open it. 
       I stop breathing. WOW.  My four poster bed in the middle of the room, it's been painted white instead of the wood it was and the pink netting as either been washer or changed but it looks amazing. my bed has new sheets with rose petal all over it. the wall behind the bed is wallpapers but I gasps as I take a step closer, it's photos of me, and my family, me with Matt and his family, my dad I sob. It's all my special memories and moments in wallpaper in my room. I wipe the tears that have fallen and I turn back to the door. My mouth falls open when I see Matt dressed in a suit looking sexy as hell, on my knee. My hands go to my mouth is he about to do what i think he's about to do? 
    He clears his throat "Maddie, from the moment I met you I know you were special. You carry yourself in a way of beauty, and yet you don't see how beautiful you are. You are the most selfless person I know, you always put others ahead of yourself. You're not jsut beautiful in how you look Maddie, you are beautiful inside as well. I see you, You carry pain you have every reason to be bitter, angry but you aren't, you're kind, funny, a little weird" he chuckles " I never believed in Love at firt sight until I met you. Now I know this might freak you out. I know we haven't been dating long but Maddie to me it feels like I've know you forever. I know I will go through the rest of my life with you by my side" he takes a breath "So here in my hand I have a promise ring. A promsie that we will be engaged, promise of marriage, kids, a promise that i will alwyas mak you smile when you are sad, a promise that i will be your best friend and best supporter, a promise that i will be the best husband, and father I possibly can be. a promise to keep you safe and love you for the rest of our lives." I sob loudly "Maddie, Will you be my forever?" I jump forward ifnoring the pain in my body, Ignoing everyone I rap my arms around him 
      "Yes" i whisper and lean in to kiss him he moans as i step closer kissing him hard I pull back "I'm sorry" I laugh "I will always be your forever, becuase you are my forever Matt. I love you so much" 
     "I love you more" he whisper as he takes my lips again. I hear cheers and I laugh against his lip. he pulls back and take the ring out, my eye widen at how beautiful it is. he take my left hand and place it on my wedding finger "You will be my wife Maddie" 
    I nod "and you will be my husband" his eyes heat as i say it and he leans to kiss me. I groan when a throat is cleared next to us. I break the kiss and turn ready to tell Liam to move away and let go of the big brother act, but instead i scream and wince at the pain in my jaw as i see Grant standing there. I sob as he leans in to hug me "You're here" I whisper as i sob. 
     "I'm here" he kisses my forhead "I should have been here ages ago. I love you Mads" I hug him harder and my mum and the rest of the family gather in to hug Grant. Taking a step back I smile at my family. 
     "So what do we do now?" I ask My family smile as they stand in a row and Matt comes up behind me "Now we start living our forever" he kisses my head. My mum cries and he hugs me. Living forever I can do that and I have the best family around me. 
     I can't wait for forever! 

Maddie | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang